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Power Outages V1.4b  

Upload: 09 Jun 2022, 10:45
Created by: flerb [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Power Outages V1.4b

Requires the XML Injector

What it Does
Lightning Strikes that hit within 30 squares of any sim on the lot will now "roll the dice" to trigger a power outage. You'll know this has happened when a sim has the "that was close" tense moodlet. Each roll has a 5% chance of causing a power outage. As a caveat, families with more sims get more rolls, so to speak. A family of 1 sim has a 5% chance and a family of 8 sims has a ~1/3 chance of getting a power outage with a close strike. Power outages may last anywhere from 3 hours to 24 hours, often after the storm passes. It's important to note that the power may not go out in every storm. There are a lot of variables and randomness at play, especially where lightning strikes.

While the power is out, no electronics will work, of course, and sims will receive moodlets reflective of their personality traits.

  • Most sims will flip between being stressed, neutral, or bored while the power is out.
  • Geek sims will become really bored and find their fun meter is hard to keep up.
  • Outdoor Sims will get happy, because it's just like camping!
  • Romantic sims will get a little flirty in the candlelight.
  • Gloomy sims will love the darkness and feel a bit inspired.
  • Sims with the carefree trait won't react at all.

Sims that leave the lot will lose their moodlets.

Included is a new social interaction, "complain about power outage"

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