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DJ Booth Plays Custom Music  

Upload: 13 Jun 2022, 11:29
Created by: RevyRei [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
DJ Booth Plays Custom Music

With this mod when the DJ plays any genre it will play your custom music instead of the awful base game music. Here's how it works:
- Put all of the custom music you want the DJ to play in the "Sim Retro" folder
- All genres reference the Sim Retro folder so no matter what the DJ plays it will always be a custom song from this folder
- If you keep playing one genre it will run thru all your music just like a radio until interaction is over
- Switching genres resets the music and plays a random song so its basically like changing songs manually

I actually figured this out when I was trying to do something else. Many ppl have asked about making the DJ booth play custom music so I wanted to share it. However, I still find muting the DJ booth and using the community speakers to be far superior over the mediocre sound you get from the DJ booth itself. You could get really fancy and have different genres reference different custom music folders but I don't plan to go further than this. If anyone else does tho, feel free to take it.

This mod changes all of the DJ booth music genres such that:
- The audio sting references the Retro stereo music instead of the specific genre music

Carry Umbrella Fix

Carry Umbrella Fix

23 Mar 2022
1 269

Adds additional tests to prevent Sims from using umbrellas indoors. Sims will not (autonomously) use umbrellas in light rain or during a storm. They will get wet less fast in light rain.

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