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Neighborhood Stories  

Upload: 23 Mar 2022, 20:12
Created by: deichschaf [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Neighborhood Stories

This mod deals with the new neighborhoodstories (NS) feature.
There's a separate module for each NS feature. Only choose 1 file for each feature, but you can totally mix and match different types of solutions for different features (e.g. disable one feature, just fix another and restrict another feature to never played sims).
For each call based feature, you can choose ONE of the following files:
disabled: Will get rid of the feature completely
justfixed: Will just fix wonky features like toddlers receiving calls or your significant other calling to tell you they found a ring in your bag.
onlyneverplayedsims: Only Sims you have never played will eligible for the NS feature. (Feature fixes are already included in that one.)
For each of the new socials, you can choose ONE of the following files:
disabled: Will get rid of the social completely
actions: The social will be shifted to the "actions" tab so you won't accidentally click it.

Functional Garage Doors 1 MB

Functional Garage Doors

16 Jun 2022

Does your character have a car, a garage, BUT not enough garage doors? Well, now with this mod they will be able to put their cars in the garage, as now the gate is fully functional!

Functional Pool Slide converted from TS3

Functional Pool Slide converted from TS3

07 Jul 2022

Can you imagine how cool it would be to slide down the water slide in the heat and dive right into the cool water of the pool?! Remember the Sims 3 had water slides, how did your Sims slide down them and have fun? Thanks to this mod, they will be added to The Sims 4!

Butler Tweaks

Butler Tweaks

09 Jun 2023
1 166

Makes butlers employed by the lot they are hired on, instead of the Windenburg Butler Academy, reducing the chance that they change during rotational play or when your sims travel away from the lot.

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