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Disinfectant Mod v1.1 - Stop your sims from spreading sickness!  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 17:32
Created by: plumlace [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Disinfectant Mod v1.1 - Stop your sims from spreading sickness!

In this mod, you can use disinfectant to spray your household. Once you spray the disinfectant, your active household will receive a buff that prevents illness from spreading for 24 hours. To reactivate the buff, just re-use the disinfectant spray for another 24 hour illness free household!

Requires the XML Injector

School Milestones Addon 70.10 KB

School Milestones Addon

18 Mar 2022
1 535

I wanted my sim children and teens to have a few more milestones in their school life. So now you can send them to prom (teens), school dance (child), schedule graduation ceremony with attendees (teens)

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