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SimpleChests Female 1.0 

Upload: 18 Dec 2023, 09:15
Created by: Simdulgence [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
SimpleChests Female 1.0

Female SimpleChests are chest shapes for female sims. Because of some of the complications and limitations imposed by the game with regards to gender inclusivity for clothing and anatomy, female sims cannot use male chests without errors (such as clipping or texture alignment problems).

The female SimpleChests feature traditionally 'masculine' shapes, including pectorals instead of developed breasts. These shapes are great for all manner of sims, including more realistic trans men.

Currently, the female chests are limited to just the Standard shape. I'm working on a wide variety of updates to all of my anatomy sets, which includes adding more options for female SimpleChests.

Please be aware: Color overlays in this set REQUIRE the male SimpleChest base in order to work correctly, as they reference those to reduce file size. The color overlays from the SimpleBreasts set will not look good on these chests.

Files included are separated by folder into required, recommended, and optional.

simdulgence_SimpleChestsFemale_Base (REQUIRED)
Contains all base female SimpleChests, color overlays, and texture overlays.

simdulgence_SimpleChestsFemale_AddonNoTexture (RECOMMENDED)
Lets your sim sunbathe with no odd tanlines while keeping the appearance of SimpleChests.

Role Outfit Disabled by Choice

Role Outfit Disabled by Choice

24 Mar 2022
1 260

There are several packages that let you disable several role/job outfits by choice (e. g. maid, mailman, director, librarian, butler, nanny, ...). Just install what you want. If you want, you can download missing role npcs from the Gallery using #rollennpc.

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