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Role Outfit Disabled by Choice  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 06:37
Created by: deichschaf [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

There are several packages that let you disable several role/job outfits by choice (e. g. maid, mailman, director, librarian, butler, nanny, ...). Just install what you want. If you want, you can download missing role npcs from the Gallery using #rollennpc.

Charming Traits

Charming Traits

25 Jun 2022

Some characters are naturally more charismatic than others. It is very pleasant to communicate with them, they easily make new acquaintances and strengthen existing friendships.

Less Celeb React

Less Celeb React

23 Mar 2022
1 434

Tunes down the reaction to celebs a bit. Especially DJs will no longer constantly forget about their task. When a star starts posing, they will still cheer a bit, but will go back on duty quickly. Sims who are at lest good friends or closely related to a star, will react less like fans.

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