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Baby/toddler trait bundle!  

Upload: 29 Jun 2022, 07:17
Created by: Snowiii95 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Baby/toddler trait bundle!

Have you noticed that there are very few character traits for kids in the game? But sometimes you really want variety for our children. This mod will bring as many as 7 new and very interesting features for this age group. Now your kids will have something to strive for!

So, let's take a closer look at the new features:

- Always happy
Nothing can make these little cuties sad! They always smile or make others smile!
- Lover of fairy tales
Another story! Tell me one more!
- Bossy
These kids are always in charge! Be careful! When you don't do what they want... Big tantrum sets in!
- creative
This little Picasso is the best at creating! Their imagination develops faster than most babies.
- Fast Learner
These little ones learn fast! They learn all the skills faster than any other kid.
- Naive
These kids don't understand what danger is! They talk to strangers and go to the most dangerous places! Parents should be on the lookout!
- Afraid of strangers
These babies refuse to talk to strangers! They are always attached to their parents and do not like meeting new people.

Russian translation by DFenter : Download (GD)

Sci-Fi Phone Overrides

Sci-Fi Phone Overrides

21 Apr 2022

Default replacement. Will conflict with other mods that changing phone mesh. This is the static version. Phone screens not changing while using different function - chat, calls etc

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