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Hormone Replacement Therapy  

Upload: 25 Mar 2022, 07:52
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Hormone Replacement Therapy

This mod will enable your characters to discover hormone therapy. To get a prescription for drugs, the characters will need to go to the doctor for an appointment, after which he will write them a prescription for the purchase of hormones. Hormones affect the emotional mood of the characters and muscle growth.

New:  Your Sims will now be able to share their intention to start Gender Transition Hormone Therapy with friends and family and get positive and negative feedback. In addition, several new interactions with the computer have been added - Sims will be able to learn more about gender dysphoria, chat on this topic, and also apply for a change of documents corresponding to their new gender.

Requires the XML Injector

Research Hormone Replacement Therapy on the web. Once done, the option to visit the Doctor will unlock on the phone:

 - Making the research on the PC will also unlock the option to tell other sims about your sim's intention to start the therapy.

- Once the other sim knows, they can ask your sim about the therapy.

Taking the Therapy:

To keep up with the therapy, you need to take hormones on a daily basis. The effect wears off in 24 hours. You'll not be able to take hormones twice a day.


The effects of the hormones are different between estrogens and testosterone (they actually vary from person to person, like I never experienced more sex drive, for example, but I went for a standard approach in this mod) 

 The effect of taking hormones is also different if the gender in CAS is set to female or male. Females taking Estrogens will not experience the moods effects, same is valid for males taking testosterone. The effects on the body will be the same but less intense, this means that:

1. The mod can  effectively be used to play other conditions than transition, like menopause ad hypogonadism;

2. You can decide when your sim is done with the transition and can pass to the maintenance therapy, going on taking hormones all life if you want. Once you change the gender in CAS, it will mean that the transitioning phase is over and the body doesn't experience anymore the fight between the biological hormones and the therapy, so the mood will be stable.

FtM therapy:

You only need Testosterone. 


Immediate: gives a +1 energized buff and makes them more likely to exercise for a couple of hours

Increases muscle gain, increases fat loss, increases physical stamina, increases hunger, on an emotional level, makes your sim more irritable (anger will decrease slower and they will feel it a bit more) increases the sexual drive (flirty buffs) and all the energized buffs.  Lasts 24 hours

 Testosterone can give random angry, flirty or energized buffs; 

 ALSO testosterone should stop period if you have WW (needs testing) 

MtF therapy:

You need both Estrogen and  Anti-Androgen to have the full ride.


Immediate: gives a +1 confident buff and makes them more likely to flirt for a couple of hours

Increases fat gain, decreases hunger, makes harder to build muscles, on an emotional level, makes the Sim generally more emotional. Lasts 24 hours.

 Estrogen can give mood swings (Optional) - to add this, I would have had to replace a lot of tuning from Maxis. Since I didn't want to, I used a trick... the estrogen buff will add the uncontrolled emotions trait to your sim (unless they already have it, or have the controlled emotions one) and will remove it once it's removed. THE PROBLEM: this method will remove the trait also if the sim has it from aging up... you'll need to add it back manually at the end of the therapy. For this reason, this feature is optional (estrogen, though, gives moods swings on high doses like the ones for HRT, and I wanted this realism) 

Anti Androgen:

Increases muscles loss

This is only for the transition phase, you'll still need to go in CAS and fix the gender options/sliders in case you want to... also, usually you need to take the therapy all life long, but in the game you can actually stop once you got the desired result, I chose to not cast this hassle on your sims.

You can use this mod to play other things too, like hypogonadism, 'cause I put no restrictions of genders on buying the hormones.

Pizza Preferences 76 KB

Pizza Preferences

18 May 2022

his adds a new category for Pizza Toppings to the Preferences menu in CAS based on the toppings available in game. When Sims eat a kind of pizza they like, they will get a Happy moodlet. If they eat a topping they don't like, they'll get an Uncomfortable moodlet.

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