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Trailer Park Mod (add-on)  

Upload: 30 Jun 2022, 05:23
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Trailer Park Mod (add-on)

This mod is an add-on for the More Buyable Venues Mod - Rentable Venues. Download More Buyable Venues.  Note: I'm not connected to the more buyable venues mod in any way nor is LittleMsSam aware of my mods etc.

One of my favorite mods is the More Buyable Venues Mod because it allows you to create a variety of functional lots.  I find it's a very powerful mod.  I made this mod as a way to add interactions and a trait for added realism.

This mod adds a new "Rent Office" social interaction, "Tenant Screening" computer interaction, "Trailer Park Manager" trait, and a variety of buffs.  

How To Setup Your Trailer Park:
You can download a pre-built unfurnished trailer park Here.  Then download the More Buyable Venues Mod by LittleMsSam.  Please be aware if you do not want to use that mod then my mod can be used on it's own no problem.  

In game, Place or build your own trailer park where you want.  Change the venue type to "Rentable Business".  Add the "Apartment" lot trait.  That's all you have to do to make it a functional trailer park.  

In CAS give your Sim the "Trailer Park Manager" trait.  

The Sim you'll play should live on a separate lot as it's household, not the rentable lot.  On your household lot use a base game computer to find the "household" pie menu.  In that menu you'll find "LittleMsSam's" pie menu.  Click on that to access the buy options.  You'll needed the right amount in your household funds to purchase a "Rentable business".  Find the world your trailer park is in, and then the lot you want to purchase. 

Now you own the lot and ready to manage it. You'll need a computer for operations.  Normally you'll just book tenants, which spawns a Sim on the lot, and then check them in.  However this is where you'd use my mod.  

After you book in a potential tenant, click on that Sim and then the "Rent Office" pie menu.  You'll have two options at first.  One is to Introduce applicant to the community, the other is to "Start the application process".  You can do either.  When you do that you'll get more "Rent office" interactions.

Now you can "Collect an application fee", "Collect background check fee", "Ask for proof of job", and "discuss qualifications".  

When you've done that you can get on the computer to process that information.  You can "Check credit history", "Do a criminal background check", "Approve the lease", or "Deny the lease".  You decide what you want to do.

If you approve or deny the lease you can still return to the "Rentable" menu to check in tenants and they'll autonomously pick a trailer to live in or go in and out of each other's trailers. 

Each interaction will have one of the following buffs.
Applicant has bad credit - buff
Application is approved - buff
Applicant has great credit - buff
Applicant is an ex-felon - buff
New Tenant Applicant - buff
No criminal record - buff

Without More Buyable Venues Mod:
If you chose not to use that mod then you can simply create a household and bring in roommates.  Use the mod for storytelling.

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