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Online Homework v1.1.1 (06.03.2024)  

Upload: 09 Jul 2022, 07:49
Last updated: 9-03-2024, 16:58
Created by: Frankks [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Online Homework v1.1.1 (06.03.2024)

Do your characters lose their notes all the time? Or are you just more accustomed to seeing when a student is studying at a computer, and not at a notebook? Now the character will be able to do homework on any computer or laptop. Currently, the mod only works for university students.


  • Do your homework at any computer or laptop (including CC).


  • Children/teen homework is compatible with the Base Game.
  • University homework requires the Discover University expansion pack.
  • If you don't have Discover University, simply delete the frankk_OnlineHomework_University.package file from the mod and it will be safe to use with the Base Game for children and teens.
  • This mod does not override any files, so it should be safe to use with any other mods.
Go To Therapy Mod

Go To Therapy Mod

10 Jul 2022

Has a family member died? Or is he just having a bad day? This mod will allow your character to go down the rabbit hole and attend a therapy session with a specialist, with an 80% chance of returning with a happy moodlet from a successful session.

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