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Apocalypse Life Mod  

Upload: 10 Jul 2022, 21:07
Created by: melunn [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Apocalypse Life Mod

If you like to play in a post-apocalyptic setting, then this small mod will add some new details to the game that will contribute to a better immersion in the atmosphere. Now, while fishing, your character will be able to fish out a loot box, which can contain valuable items that will be useful for survival. Also, added dirt in the make-up section of Create a Sim, and most importantly, the "Bunker" plot property, suitable for the community of survivors. In addition, Sims will now be able to discuss needed medical supplies, food, and garbage collection sites.

Russian translation by taraumara : Download (simfileshare)

Charm & Chemistry: Attraction System

Charm & Chemistry: Attraction System

28 Jun 2023
1 516

Ever wished there were more romantic social interactions for your sims? Ever wished there was more customization when it came to romantic preferences? If the answer to those questions is yes then you’ll probably like this mod!

Bladder Anywhere Mod v1.1

Bladder Anywhere Mod v1.1

02 May 2022
1 052

Your character urgently wanted to go to the toilet, but all the bushes are busy? Or do you want to realistically play a desert island, camping trip and similar scenarios?

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