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Custom Preferences: Knitting, Floral Arranging, and Star Wars Music  

Upload: 01 Jul 2022, 10:07
Created by: NateTheL0ser
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Custom Preferences: Knitting, Floral Arranging, and Star Wars Music

Custom Preferences (EARLY Version): Knitting, Floral Arranging, and Star Wars Music Or does it seem strange to you that in the game, the developers did not add knitting or raising children to the characters' preferences? Then this mod is just right for you.

Instill a love or hate for knitting, Star Wars music, flowers, or even parenting! In general, you have a rather big choice, so go ahead!

- Also, your characters will have new favorite/disliked preference moodlets.
- Requires Dressing Threads Stuff Pack, Seasons DLC, Journey to Batuu Playset
- If you don't have any DLC,

Russian translation by Olovos : Download (GD)
French Translation byKimikosoma  

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