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Retro Sewing Machine  

Upload: 04 Jul 2022, 14:31
Created by: Ozzy, Mariam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Retro Sewing Machine

Although the game already featured many creative activities and hobbies, sewing remained a distant dream. To date! This mod adds a whole range of new features to the game: from sketching clothes to creating them. First of all, it should be said about the new sewing skill, which the characters will develop and increase the chance of creating a piece of clothing over time. In addition, for Sims who want to devote all their free time to a new hobby, CAS has a new character trait "Designer". In addition to the sewing skill, a functional sewing machine with author's animations appears in the game. You will be able to watch the creation of new garments at all stages from drawing sketches to sewing the finished product. Don't forget to stock up on fabric, thread, needles, buttons and zippers!

- Now your character has access to a sewing machine, and it is fully functional! And many other new and also functional objects.
- On a sewing machine, you can sew, design outfits, and train on paper. You can also buy needles, threads, zippers, buttons and of course fabric! Without all these materials, your character simply won't be able to sew.
“But to start sewing, you must, of course, master the skill of sewing, where without it ?!
- Also, in addition to the skill for sewing and buying consumables, you will need to complete a sketch of future clothes and a pattern.
Now you can start sewing. Well, now the clothes are ready and it's time to place them in the online store. Get as many subscribers as possible and then it will become popular and sell well.
- Don't want to sell? All the new outfits that you have sewn can be worn by your character or given to someone else so that another character can flaunt them! You can even make cute baby clothes!
- And if your character loves to sew and he just has a gift for this business, then why don't you give him a new Designer trait? And after the clothing designer places it on simstagram, simtok and tweeser, it may become very popular and there will be no end to orders.
- However, be aware that if you sew without practicing and gaining sewing skill level 6, you will destroy or damage your fabric and you will have to buy new ones to replenish your supplies.
- And you will find a great variety of the most diverse and interesting moodlets!
“You can also teach toddlers and children how to sew on a sewing machine, who may continue the family business.
- In addition to everything, you will find many new animations and 68 new interactions.

Russian translation by DFenter : Download (GD)
Russian translation by DawnWarden : Download (simfileshare)

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