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Whimsical Aspiration  

Upload: 05 Jul 2022, 08:54
Created by: PurpleThistles [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Whimsical Aspiration

This custom aspiration allows your sims to gain extra reward points for completing whims! It focuses entirely on completing lots of whims from your sims, a total of 200 to complete the aspiration. This is good for players that like to use the whims system or play whimacy style.


CAS Location: Wellness (Spa Day)
Description: Your sim wants to live a life according to their whims!
Bonus Trait: Spa Membership
Reward Trait: Clear Perspective
Aspiration Levels: 1

LEVEL 1: Whimsical Ways
Objective: Complete 50 Whims
Objective: Complete 100 Whims
Objective: Complete 150 Whims
Objective: Complete 200 Whims


All files are new files, not overwrites, so there should not be any mod conflicts. As the objectives are all for completing whims, the aspiration will work with the base game and expansion packs.

Russian translation by trail_of_blood : Download

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