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Offer to Drink Interaction  

Upload: 23 Oct 2023, 19:57
Created by: Meep62 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Offer to Drink Interaction

This mod add an interaction for sims to offer their plasma to vampire sims. It requires the vampires game pack to use and as far as I know it's compatible with everything.

40 traits / Traits Bundle 55 KB

40 traits / Traits Bundle

26 Mar 2022

This bundle adds 40 traits to your game! These traits focus on building relationships, needs, and skills! Some of these traits can mess with relationships, needs, and skills. No buffs are added to these traits, making it safer and less likely to have LE bugs in your game.

My First Farm Animal 65 KB

My First Farm Animal

03 Apr 2022

This mod allows you to turn your pets into farm animals! You can choose to harvest their produce for your household or to sell their goods to the marketplace! You will be able to harvest more items and make more money the higher your farming skill is...which is a hidden skill.

Dentist Career

Dentist Career

30 Jun 2022

If you've always been curious about what's in other characters' mouths, we've got the perfect job for you! Become a dentist and learn how to fill, whiten, polish and sometimes pull out your patients' teeth! Join the fight to improve the health of the population's teeth and earn real money!

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