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Offer to Drink Interaction  

Upload: 23 Oct 2023, 19:57
Created by: Meep62 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Offer to Drink Interaction

This mod add an interaction for sims to offer their plasma to vampire sims. It requires the vampires game pack to use and as far as I know it's compatible with everything.

Less Headlines

Less Headlines

24 Mar 2022
1 013

This mod disables several of the icons floating over your Sims heads after most interactions. There's a seperate file for each type of headline icons. You can mix and match as long as you keep the main file installed.

Multi-Purpose Furniture: Seating/Bookshelves

Multi-Purpose Furniture: Seating/Bookshelves

09 Jan 2023

This one was super tricky and I almost gave up on it before getting a request for it. But there's a trick to it. Each piece of furniture is actually two objects. I split the books from the seat and divided the original object cost between them (§50 for the books and the rest is the seat).

Home Repair: Stained Walls

Home Repair: Stained Walls

01 Sep 2022

Why do you have to inspect them before cleaning them? Because that gives you the freedom to choose when they become cleanable. Otherwise your sims will go around doing it on their own when you might want it to stay messy for a bit.

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