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Autonomous ask to divorce  

Upload: 05 Jul 2022, 09:32
Created by: ShuSanR [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Autonomous ask to divorce

Autonomous ask to divorce, breakup, first kiss, be boy/girlfriend, proposal

Sometimes you want the game to give you an unexpected surprise. And if you do not want to put up with the fact that your characters always act as the sole initiators of all the most important events, then this mod is for you! With it, various autonomous actions will become available in the game: divorce, parting with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the first kiss, as well as an offer to start dating and a marriage request! The autonomy of each action has its own specific conditions, starting with the current mood of the characters and ending with the level of their relationship. Do not worry, you will always have time to influence the development of events - as soon as your character is offered any action, a pop-up window with answer options will appear on your screen. This mod is perfect for those who are tired of endless plot thinking!

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Russian translation by SofiRing : Download (simfileshare)

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