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Astronaut Career Rework  

Upload: 08 Jul 2022, 09:59
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Astronaut Career Rework

Space is calling! Join the ranks of astronauts and prove that you are the one who should explore space. The mod does not add a new career, but uses an existing one in the game, adding a portion of realism to it.

If you ask children what they want to be when they grow up, then half of them will answer with confidence: "Astronaut!". Explore space, fly between the stars, find life on a new planet - but who would refuse such a thing? This mod replaces specializations for the astronaut career with more mundane and realistic ones. Now, instead of a space ranger and smuggler, your character can go the way of a dispatcher or mission specialist, and in the future become the head of the mission control center or a captain. The requirements for career advancement have also been changed - from pumping the fitness skill to the logic skill. So if you are more of a fan of realism than Star Wars, then this mod is worth adding to your piggy bank.

Now it's up to you to choose who you want to be: a flight control center controller or a crew member.
1. Intern
2. Module washer
3. Technician
4. Head of the control center
5. Low Orbit Specialist
6. Space cadet
7. Astronaut
And here is the branching: CPU Manager and Ship Crewman
CPU manager:
8. communication operator with the crew
9. member of the flight department
10. flight director
Ship's crew member:
8. flight engineer
9. pilot
10. captain

Russian translation by AkSi: Download (GD)
Russian translation by tara_umara: Download (simfileshare)

Pastry Lover Trait v1.3

Pastry Lover Trait v1.3

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