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Violin and Guitar Bugfixes  

Upload: 11 Jul 2022, 08:51
Last updated: 18-03-2023, 15:14
Created by: Scumbumbo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Violin and Guitar Bugfixes

This mod for The Sims 4 fixes several bugs associated with violins and guitars. One of these bugs was discovered by a user of my Keep Instruments in Inventory mod, however the bugs are not caused by that mod it just made it easier to notice some of the games faults. These fixes are required for the base game only in order to obtain or fulfill several whims and actions that would otherwise not appear or work properly.

The following bugs are fixed:

Whims for playing the guitar or violin would not appear unless an instrument was on the lot - instruments in the inventory were not considered.

Whims for the violin could not be satisified by using a violin from the inventory, only one on the lot.

The whim to play a guitar at the lounge could not be satisifed by using a guitar from the inventory.

The whim to write a jingle could not be satisified by using a guitar from the inventory or any violin.

The pie menu choices for instruments in the inventory would not offer the write jingle action.

Adds fixes for serenades, bring to tears and jam whims.

Fixes a bug which prevents musicians from writing jingles if they previously quit their job and rejoined the careeer. This is also fixed for the piano, despite keeping the mod name unchanged.

Adds a fix for the bug which prevented cancelling the Write Song action properly.

Fixes a bug which prevented the Play Guitar at Lounge whim from showing up while the sim is actually at the lounge. The text for the whim is odd in that suggest the sim should travel to the lounge (even though they are already there), but I didn't feel it was worth rewriting the text to fix that.

Adds in some EA fixes which may(?) address the issue of instruments being stuck in a sim's hands after they are done using it.

Changes some of the whim choice weighting so that sim's don't obsessively want to buy instruments all the time, but prefer to talk about them, play them and learn to play better - because if you have guitar skill you probably own a guitar already! The whim to buy an instrument will still show up, just five times less often.

Adds some tests for things in Outdoor Retreat - nothing really exciting. These changes should be ignored if you only have the base game.

Added additional missing interactions to satisfy various play/jam whims

Writing a jingle on the portable keyboard satisfies the write jingle whim

Removed situation goals for whims which no longer exist

Write Song on the piano no longer requires a fix for being cancellable

Write Jingle no longer requires a fix for leaving/rejoining musician career

Write Jingle on guitar and violin fixed so they can be selected from an instrument in Sim's inventory


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Airline Employee Career

07 Jun 2023
1 399

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Cleaning Frenzy for All

07 May 2022

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