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Black Death Edition (1.2)  

Upload: 11 Jul 2022, 13:27
Created by: llazyneiph [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Black Death Edition (1.2)

Requires the XML Injector

Update 1.2: Have fixed an issue with the plague not progressing past the first moodlet. Apologies for the bug, please redownload :)

Are you ready to experience the horrors of the Black Death?

This mod is based on the real bubonic plague, and the weird and wacky cures that were thought to cure it.

After setting the plague free in your save, infected sims will quickly and easily pass the disease onto poor, unsuspecting sims.
Maybe they'll get lucky and have one of the Plague Doctors interesting  cures work for them... but it's more likely they'll die a slow and uncomfortable death!

  • Choose which household/neighbourhood the disease starts in
  • Start with a single infected sim or unleash it on an entire neighbourhood
  • Natural/progressive infection of other sims
  • Healthier sims have a higher chance of avoiding infections, whilst sick and elderly sims have a higher chance of catching it
  • Sims will experience a range of horrible symptoms
  • Call for the Plague Doctor, who can provide some 'cures' and remedies
  • All have a small possibility of curing the plague
  • If sims get unlucky and they aren't cured, they will die within a week of initial exposure!

(Plague Doctor Outfit)

Small disclaimer: For the sake of fun gameplay, this mod is not 100% historically accurate. It is inspired by the real disease and strange cures of the past.


Due to the nature of the organic spreading of the plague, there is no ‘one click removal’. Removal does have the slight possibility of breaking a save game, so please backup your save before initiating the mod. 

There is a removal guide at the bottom of this document, as well as in multiple notifications in game.

How to Begin

Begin by clicking the mailbox on your sims lot. Here you should see a new pie menu called ‘Bubonic Plague’. 

In this pie menu are a few options.

‘Begin Bubonic Plague in this Save’ - Infects the currently controlled sim, random household members & has a chance of infecting all sims currently loaded into the neighbourhood (walking around, chatting, ect.)

‘Add Bubonic Plague To This Sim Only’ - Very simply adds the plague to the currently controlled sim only. However, be aware that they are very infectious.

Infection Rates

Active sim: 100%
Healthy household members: 75%
Healthy neighbourhood sims: 65%
Currently sick sims: 85%
Elder sims: 90%


Once your sims are infected they will progress through the various stages of the disease, with varying symptoms from simple headaches to extreme tiredness & buboes forming on their skin. 

If your uninfected sim comes into contact with an infected sim, they will have a high chance of contracting the plague!
This doesn’t include simply just talking to them, but being in close proximity to them too. 

After around a week, if your sim isn’t lucky enough to have a remedy work for them, they will die!

As of the 1.3 update, both children and pregnant sims can catch and perish from the plague!


As of the 1.3 update, vampires will now be able to catch the plague when drinking from an infected victim. This is the only way they can catch it, otherwise they are immune from the usual spread.

Plague Doctor & Cures/Remedies

Once your sim progresses to the second stage of the disease and have physical symptoms such as buboes, they can call for the Plague Doctor. 
They can do this by clicking on themselves and choosing ‘Call for Plague Doctor’

If you have installed the Plague Doctor outfit linked above, he will arrive in that. Otherwise, he will arrive in randomized clothing.

You may purchase a range of remedies and cures from him, all derived from history and thought to work against the plague. All of them have a very small chance of actually curing your sim, but it is still possible!


Once the plague has been started, it is possible to remove it from the active sim by clicking on the mailbox pie menu and choosing ‘Remove Bubonic Plague from this Sim’.


If you need to remove it from a save you will need to follow these steps:
- Exit the game 
- Remove the mod from your mods folder 
- Delete the localthumbcache.package 
- Enter the affected save file after doing this 
- Save the game. 

This save should now be plague free.

**Children can catch and die from the plague in the 1.3 update.

***Body buboes may poke out from clothing. This is due to the accessory being added via a moodlet and not in CAS. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this.


I don’t have the Bubonic Plague piemenu on my mailbox:
Double check to make sure you have XML Injector installed (either at all or correctly)

The Plague Doctor doesn’t show up in his outfit:
Make sure you’ve downloaded the outfit linked at the top of this document.

The plague does not progress past the first moodlet/buff:
This issue was fixed in the 1.2 patch, please download any version of the mod since that patch.

Need further help? Feel free to ask on my discord server:

Vampires - More Plasma Packs

Vampires - More Plasma Packs

10 Nov 2022
1 072

I'm against Plasma Packs but for the purpose of my testing other mods, I didn't want to bother hunting so I added two Plasma Packs that fill thirst way more than the standard one. They also cost way more, being a vampire is expensive.

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