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Techie Servos are Happy!  

Upload: 06 May 2023, 10:01
Created by: ComicSams [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Techie Servos are Happy!
Once there was a sim named Sam
With a child, and a Servo programmed.
H34RT was the future,
A super computer,
‘Til her maker hit her head with a slam.

What This Mod Does
If a Servo from Discover University unlocks the Techie lifestyle from Snowy Escape, it gets a permanent +3 Inspired moodlet. This is great if your Servo is an artist or chef or something, but if it does literally anything else with its life, this can become a huge detriment - especially because the Techie lifestyle does not synergize with being Inspired at all.

To remedy this, I changed the Techie Servo buff from a +3 Inspired moodlet to a +2 Happy moodlet. I think this works pretty well, though it is quite powerful. I didn't change any of the other text, though, because it said nothing specifically about being inspired. The only downside to having so many Happy moodlets is the susceptibility to Death by Laughter (which is how my own Sim from the poem earlier died...), but I don't know if Servos can even die like that.

How I Made It
This mod was pretty easy to make and it only took me about half an hour. I used information found in this Sims 4 Studio forum thread to figure out how. So if anyone wants to make their own mod changing an existing moodlet, that's how you do it!

Unlocked Apartment Traits & Objects 338.0 KB

Unlocked Apartment Traits & Objects

23 Oct 2023
1 161

The mod unlocks every single locked Lot Trait in the City Living expansion pack for you to place on other lots. This mod also contains a fix for the vent that is supposed to have goo puddles ooze out of it, but used to be broken in vanilla game.

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