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Basemental Addons (26.10.2024)  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 13:03
Last updated: 29-10-2024, 09:10
Created by: Basemental [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 29-10-2024, 09:10 » [Aqxaro]
Basemental Addons (26.10.2024)

You will have a new feature for the site - A dubious place where drug dealers, drunks and drug addicts will appear. All this contingent will come from evening to early morning.

If your character is famous and has a special supply perk, then instead of a potion, he will receive packages with interesting contents (I think you guessed it)

Sketchy Lot Trait

Want to add some "extra flavor" to the run-down bar in your game or the lots next to it? Want an easy way to find drug dealers without relying on random chance or cheesing it with CAS? Just want Sims doing the goofy walkstyle fumbling around your lot? Then the Sketchy lot trait is perfect for you!

Add the Sketchy lot trait to any lot, residential or commercial. Drug dealers and drunk Sims will start showing up in the evening and will continue throughout the night into the wee hours of the morning. Drug dealers will act like normal patrons on commercial lots, and will hang around local parks near residential lots. Existing drug dealers will be summoned first, but if they are unavailable or if one does not exist, the game will generate some for you. On commercial lots, drunks will bumble around trying to buy more booze or coffee. On residential lots, most drunks will walk by like normal pedestrians but some may choose to loiter.

"Special Deliveries" Celebrity Perk

(Requires Get Famous)

Based on a suggestion from zapcracklepop, this mod turns the Celebuserum celebrity perk into "Special Deliveries" which can mail random pills, powders, and goodie bags to your Sims. Within a day of picking up the perk, a drug dealer will reach out to your Sim (teen or older only) by phone and offer to toggle the perk to deliver drugs instead of Celebuserums. You can also talk to any drug dealer NPC to toggle it or use an option on your phone at any time. It costs Â§1000 to start the service, and you may be asked to pay upkeep of Â§300 every week or so. You can toggle the service off at any time and return to Celebuserums for free. 

Beer Available In Fridges/Coolers/Trays

Is your Sim looking for a quick drink without going to the lounge, but doesn't own a full bar counter? Fret no longer! This mod adds cans of beer straight to your fridge's Quick Meal menu for easy and instant access to booze. This is completely compatible with Srsly's Complete Cooking Overhaul mod.

With the Outdoor Retreat game pack, beer is also added to coolers.
With Dine Out, glasses of cheap wine will also be added.
With Eco Lifestyle, the twelve pack box of beer will also be added to fridges. 

For users of LittleMsSam's Improved Spa Day Tablet mod, cans of beer will be added to the Liquor menu of that mod. If Discover University is installed, the different beers from the keg will also be added to the menu.

"Inebriate" Magic Spell

(Requires Realm of Magic and r3m's Spellbook Injector)

This mod adds the "Inebriate" spell to the Mischief school of magic. Spellcasters can use this spell on themselves or other Sims to immediately have them feel the effects of a full drink. If the Spellcaster is in a charged state, the effect is roughly doubled. Effects will stack if you cast this spell on the same Sim multiple times. Cast responsibly! 

This mod requires the Spellbook Injector mod by r3m in order to show up in game.

"Assign as NPC Dealer" Debug Interaction 

Have you ever seen a Sim hanging out downtown that you just feel should be a dealer? Have you ever wanted to assign a particular Sim, but didn't want to scroll through the list to find their name? Now any Sim you can see on the lot can be turned into an NPC Dealer with just a click.

While Debug Cheats are enabled, shift-clicking any valid Sim now gives you the option to make them into a Dealer instantly. The same rules for who is a valid target still apply, so it only works on Sims who are old enough, are unplayed, are not gang members or straight edge, etc. You'll be notified by a message when it goes through successfully. Dealers can still be assigned and removed through the normal methods.

Known Issues

When using the Sketchy lot trait on City Living penthouses, the NPCs summoned tend to get distracted by stuff outside and have trouble making it upstairs.
When using the Sketchy lot trait in downtown Strangerville, there are a lot of different roles and walkbys already in Strangerville and any summoned NPCs tend to get lost in the crowd.


Spanish (thank you, HareShake!)
French (thank you, Candyman!)
Russian (thank you, Origamika!)
Portuguese (thank you, melqui1!)
Italian (thank you, ISY!)
German (thank you, NeedCoffee4That!)
Czech (thank you, Clairine, Xeria, and Ayla!)
Traditional Chinese (thank you, Weili!)
Simplified Chinese (thank you, Weili!)
Polish by astercholik: Download

New translations are always welcome!

Create Plasma Packs from animals 59.1 KB

Create Plasma Packs from animals

09 May 2023

A mod that allows you to make plasma packs from cows, llamas and chickens. To do so, click on the animal and under the "Actions/Trade for" you will find "create plasma pack". The packs will be instantly created into your Sim's Inventory, no need to wait for it in the mail!

Period Mod 7 KB

Period Mod

14 May 2022
1 257

Unlike many large and global mods for menstruation, this small mod will only affect those characters that you set a special trait to. During pregnancy, menstruation stops. You can change your pad or tampon by pressing the toilet paper.

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