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Therapist Career  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 08:31
Created by: Satira [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Therapist Career

About this mod
New Therapist Career with 5 different paths: Social Worker, Life Coach, Marriage Counselor, Psychologist and Psychiatrist. Install all files (3) in your mods folder to add this new career to your game.

This career mod is compatible with Game version, from 14 June 2022.
Career ID 9431253151531958969 (needed for 'careers.promote', usual promotion is not working properly)

Available Languages
V4: Chinese, Dutch, English, German, Portuguese

Realistic Lifespans

Realistic Lifespans

07 Jun 2022
1 149

The lifespans in The Sims 4 are not realistically balanced. Your Sims do not have enough time to go to university, enjoy young adulthood, date, get married, raise a family, and finally become an empty nester and enjoy their retirement.

Tidy Details & Tattoos CAS

Tidy Details & Tattoos CAS

25 Jun 2022
2 215

I can’t be the only person out there with more skin detail and tattoo CC than sense, right? And given the lack of filtering on those two categories, it becomes a total nightmare to navigate and work out if you can use this overlay with that set of freckles… what about this body hair with these

Bikes For Children

Bikes For Children

04 Jul 2022

Here is a mod that allows kids to ride bikes. When kids are on a bike, they won't wear a helmet like adults. The animation is not correct because the animation was made for adults.

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