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Therapist Career  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 08:31
Created by: Satira [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Therapist Career

About this mod
New Therapist Career with 5 different paths: Social Worker, Life Coach, Marriage Counselor, Psychologist and Psychiatrist. Install all files (3) in your mods folder to add this new career to your game.

This career mod is compatible with Game version, from 14 June 2022.
Career ID 9431253151531958969 (needed for 'careers.promote', usual promotion is not working properly)

Available Languages
V4: Chinese, Dutch, English, German, Portuguese

Girly Girl Traits

Girly Girl Traits

07 Jul 2022
1 771

There is a special category of characters who are very fond of keeping an eye on their appearance - this character trait is perfect for them! Its owners will enjoy seemingly everyday things - taking a bath, trying on clothes and even reflecting in the mirror.

Better Autonomy Gamma

Better Autonomy Gamma

08 Jul 2022
1 687

Autonomy is a nightmare in Sims—for me, at least. During my first (successful) legacy challenge, I turned off autonomy for over 400 interactions using MC Tuner because the whole thing drove me nuts. Stop playing games. Stop watching TV. Stop mixing drinks.

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