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Journalism Career  

Upload: 13 Sep 2022, 15:11
Created by: CosmicZephyrus [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Journalism Career

I am happy to present to you a brand new career for the sims 4! Journalism! As a journalist, you need to work very hard! Your skills will be tested. Quite literally. This career is quite vast. There are 6 levels before the branch which has 3 choices: Public Relations, Radio and TV, and Print and Online.

As you enter the journalist career, your sim will acquire a brand new trait. The journalist trait. Everyone has to start somewhere. You start your journey by becoming an intern! Eventually, you will work your way up higher and higher on the career ladder which will also unlock brand new social interactions that will have objectives for you to finish!

Back to the new trait, being a journalist also adds a few benefits! You will benefit with increased skill gains with the following skills (Writing, Photography, Programming, Charisma, and Logic). Another thing, the trait also gives your journalist some random buffs which also has a hidden social interaction each that only show up when your sim has said buff!

Ask For Loan

Ask For Loan

23 Mar 2022

Your Sims can now contact an investor by phone to come over. They can then ask for a loan. The small loan option will actually charge your Sim with a 20.000 § debt and is thus suitable if you want to have your Sim "pay" for the money the game gave them as a start budget.

Sci-Fi Phone Overrides

Sci-Fi Phone Overrides

21 Apr 2022

Default replacement. Will conflict with other mods that changing phone mesh. This is the static version. Phone screens not changing while using different function - chat, calls etc

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