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Mod: No Fade On Everything (01.11.2024)  

Upload: 08 Apr 2022, 12:03
Last updated: 2-11-2024, 09:23
Created by: MizoreYukii
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Mod: No Fade On Everything (01.11.2024)

The Sims 4 mod disables blur, as well as the disappearance of objects and the environment when moving away and approaching. Made for the latest version of the game. Fully compatible with another mod from the same author to turn off the blur of characters and objects.

This blocks fading for all EA objects in your game including columns, trees/plants, deco buildings, lights, etc. It does not affect Sims (you need my other mod for that still) and inactive lots when you get too close. I'm still investigating why inactive lots are fading, but unfortunately, from my current research, it's not possible to stop it so far. I figured out how to stop the shells from disappearing but the objects inside disappear and do not reappear even when loading the lot. thepancake1 tells me it might be client side and definitely not Python, so I'm basically out of options so far. I'll keep looking into it but I can't promise anything. 


  • This mod does not give you objects you don’t own. 
  • I forgot to say this before: DO NOT USE OBJECT OVERRIDES WITH THIS MOD!! This will cause conflicts. Follow this tutorial on making object overrides compatible with my mod.
  • I am unaware of any lag as only 1 other person (to my knowledge) has made and used a massive no fade file and they do not have any issues. I haven't noticed issues on my end either and the mod is constantly in my folder.
  • CC objects are not affected by this mod and will still fade if the creator added fade values (my other mod might help, depends). If you want to batch fade your CC please use MODLuvalZAP by Scumbumbo. Download and read the instructions before attempting this, and make backups!!
  • This comes in 2 zip versions: the All Packs Combined version is for those who own all the current packs, and the Separate Packs version allows you to pick and choose which packs you need. Do not use both together!  
  • This mod does the job of Coolspear, FakeHouses, MSQSims, Xhallie, etc. Fade Mods, so only use mine or theirs to avoid conflicts.
  • It is compatible with my No Fade On Sims & Objects mod, so if you want Sims to stop fading as well please use both together.
Auto Service Career

Auto Service Career

09 Jun 2023
1 318

This is a remake of the old Auto Service Career mod (from YouLie) I found on ModTheSims. The mod was completely broken (last updated at july 2019) and hadn't had any gameplay updates in years.

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