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Sims 4 High School Years: shorter cafeteria (without dummy soda machine) [fully functional!]  

Upload: 06 Nov 2022, 06:46
Created by: Senni [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sims 4 High School Years: shorter cafeteria (without dummy soda machine) [fully functional!]

I fell in love in Littlbowbubs's Soda Machines! I wanted it in my high school but it keeps bothering me that I have working soda machine and this dummy soda machine attached to cafeteria... So I made shorter cafeteria! Without that misleading dummy.

It can successfully replace normal HS cafeteria. The cafeteria worker (? is it how it's called in english version?) will come to it, studends and teachers will ordering and taking food from it, etc.

Snowy Escape Holiday Traditions

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