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Balanced Life Mod v16  

Upload: 19 Mar 2022, 10:38
Last updated: 19-07-2023, 11:40
Created by: Vicky Sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Balanced Life Mod v16

查看更新進度 Check this mod's compatibility for patch

  • This mod overrides Sims' ages and emotions for more realistic Basic Metabolism, Weight Control, Emotions, Needs,  Skills, Relationships, Autonomy to clean,  etc. This also supports Lumpinou_MoodPackMod.

**Compatible with all my mods including Smarter Self-Care

**Compatible with other mods like all custom traits, Roburky's, Lumpinou's, etc.

Changelog Mar 6, 2021:


  • Added Relationship Decay per relationship levels and age groups, Social Scores, Satisfaction Points Gain, Less obvious fun and energy decrease from performing activities they don't like, Less minor needs, e.g. thirst, oral and hand hygiene 
  • Adjusted Autonomy Intensity, Need Decays, and Relationship Gain Rate effects to be less subtle
  • Adjusted Skills Gain Rate to be in tune with my upcoming Skill Decay mod.
Clubs At School

Clubs At School

06 Jun 2023

This mod adds the ability to pick the "School" lot as a club hangout point and gather there. To avoid various kinds of bugs, auto-gathering is disabled.

Bloodlines Unleashed 10.1 KB

Bloodlines Unleashed

10 May 2023
1 162

Have you ever wanted your witch's bloodline to have a more tangible effect? Earning more XP is great but not very noticeable. Overload protection is awesome, but a wise witch wouldn't get close to overloading in the first place (Curse of Uncontrollable Charge notwithstanding).

Services for Elderly, Youth, & Homeless

Services for Elderly, Youth, & Homeless

21 Jun 2023
1 293

The Sim City Department of Sim Services provides shelters for homeless Sims, homes for youth who have no guardian, aide for needy Sims, and aide for elderly Sims. If you know of Sims in need, please let them know that they should contact our office ASAP.

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