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Romance Lock (29.07.2022)  

Upload: 29 Apr 2022, 08:21
Last updated: 31-07-2022, 08:40
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Romance Lock (29.07.2022)

It's not so much the offline flirting that irritates many people, but the relationships that come after it. This mod offers a neat compromise - it doesn't prohibit flirting, but it does block the development of romantic relationships until your character clearly expresses interest in another character. Asking to remain friends, a breakup or divorce will block romantic activities again. There is also a version that blocks the "Ask to remain friends" action for romantic partners.

- You can now "Show Romantic Interest", which allows you to unlock the romance bar.
- The romance development lock will last until you unlock it yourself with a new interaction.
- Flirting, even if it doesn't increase romance, will still cause jealousy from a long-term partner.


Ask To Be Friend: restriction for sims in a relationship, engaged, promised, bf/gf will not be able to ask to be just friends.

Autonomy: NPC sims will be able to autonomously propose a romantic relationship provided that they have a close, adoring or enamoured sentiment for your sim.

Requires the XML Injector

Russian translation by DFenter: Download (GD)
Russian translation by allodola: Download (simfileshare)

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  1. nuey77
    nuey77 [Users]
    15 October 2022 01:26

    not working for me Oct 14,2022. Romance bar going up during flirty convos