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SSO - Sim Spawn Overhaul (04.03.2024)  

Upload: 30 Mar 2022, 13:27
Last updated: 7-03-2024, 15:53
Created by: lotharihoe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
SSO - Sim Spawn Overhaul (04.03.2024)


- Walkbys (sims that walk around the neighborhood outside the active lot) are now always sims from the current world. You will no longer see Bella Goth going all the way to Brindleton Bay for a morning jog. This also means you might see less walkbys, depending on how many sims are currently living in the world;
- Walkby sims will prefer to wear their everyday outfits instead of randomly generated ones. This is already an option on MCCC, but I’m cutting down on my use of that mod due to recent events. Both are still fully compatible, though;
- After a sim leaves a walkby situation (when they fade out of existence), there is now a 4-hour delay before they’re picked again. This is increased to 12 hours if the sim was chosen for a dog walking situation, to avoid the same sims walking their dogs around multiple times a day;
- Stray pets will stay around for 2 hours instead of 6. 
- “Fake vampires” aka human sims that spawn wearing vampire clothing are completely removed. Actual vampires will spawn in their place.


- When choosing sims to visit the current venue, the game will prefer sims from the current world, but will not prevent sims from other worlds from visiting, except for: Gyms, Libraries and Community Spaces. These will only spawn sims from the current world;
- Elders and ghosts will no longer spawn in the nightclub. 
- Celebrities will only spawn in lots that are in Del Sol Valley and those that have either of the Celebrity Hotspot lot traits;
- Sims from Sulani and Strangerville will only spawn in lots that are in their respective worlds. The only exception to this is the restaurant, since the game uses different filters there and I couldn’t figure out a way to make it work;
- Removed randomly generated outfits from venue sims wherever I could.


- Service sims like bartenders and stall vendors will always be homeless. They will also be immune to weather and have all their motives locked.


- Walkbys will no longer spawn if it’s anything worse than a light rain/snow outside;
- Strangers will no longer knock on your door for no apparent reason. The “helpful neighbor” situations from Eco Lifestyle are unaffected;
- Vampires won’t burn in the sun if they’re in Forgotten Hollow.


This is the same as the above, but also adds stray pets and dog walkers to all worlds outside brindleton bay. More “private” areas, like the mansions in Willow Creek or the island in Windenburg will not spawn strays.


Due to the fact that this mod changes multiple tuning resources, there’s a high chance it will conflict with other mods. If you find incompatibility, please send me a message and I’ll try to help as I can. Here are some mods that I know to be compatible/incompatible, I’ll add to this list as I find others.


• straytweak, straycatsanddogsincitylifeworld, dogwalkersinotherworlds, somecatanddogstraysinotherworlds, clubdancertweak, lessvampiresinotherworlds, nofakevampire - all are included.
• townieoverhaul_lessfame, autonomousespresso_library, resturantsittweak - partially compatible. You can use them together with my mod without major issues.

- LittleMsSam:

• No Burning Sun In Forgotten Hollow - included.

- Zero:

• CollegeOrgMembers_Tweak, CommunityLotsJobs, PortalOnlySpellcasters,  GlimmerbrookOnlyMages - all included.

- Simvasion:

• vendor_filter - included.
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