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More Kisses Mod  

Upload: 20 Nov 2022, 16:36
Created by: maplebell [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
More Kisses Mod

Mod Description 

- Updated the animations look flow a little smoother. Because of these changes and in-game restrictions the updated version doesn't have the dialogue and sound. But the jaw animation will work and make the sims lip movements look better.

- Next week I will upload more animations and create new mod sentiments. 

Hello! This more kisses mod pack will add four custom kiss interactions to your game.

- Amourous Kiss

- Steamy Kiss

- Hug and Suprise Kiss

- Shy Kiss

You can find it under the PieMenu Category, More Kisses.

It took me some months to figure out how to even get animations to play in the game and it's great that I now know how to do it. I am super excited to dive more into custom in-game animations because the game should have more! I don't know how to create good kissing animations yet, so I have talented animators to thank for this. 

I also need to learn a few more things to get the animation to work smoothly, but I will be learning and improving as time goes on to give you guys the best possible work.

How Does it Work?

Interaction Example

It's pretty simple, so far there are four animations that I have aded. These animations can work as a first kiss animation. If you do not want your sims to use the regular first kiss animation they can use one of these! But it also works as regular kissing animations. 

If it isn't the first kiss, you will get a special moodlet. 

Known Bugs

The only thing I have noticed so far is if you want to run this animation, try to run it alone without anything else in the queue, that is how it will work best.

I would appreciate reports on any bugs that may arise. 


Many thanks to these animators! Please check them out and their amazing work:


Казибошка Лори  


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