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Social Interaction Pack  

Upload: 31 Mar 2022, 07:50
Created by: Kiara [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Social Interaction Pack

This pack contains a large number of new social interactions, which, in turn, have a huge variety of moodlets. Your game will become many times more interesting and realistic, because part of the interactions contains the reaction of your characters' interlocutors! Creating a new story is now easier than ever! In addition, now your heroes will be able to ask for blessings, discuss the issue of childbearing, confess to treason, love, hate, talk about typical everyday problems ... And get a completely detailed answer to all this! What, by the way, is often missing in The Sims 4.

Now your wards will be able to:
- Confess to treason;
- Discuss a joint future;
- wish good morning;
- wish good night;
- Have sex with an enemy;
- Discuss the latest news.

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