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Functional Chicken Coop ver 2  

Upload: 31 Mar 2022, 08:01
Created by: icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Chicken Coop ver 2

A fully functioning chicken coop in the likeness of the premium item from The Sims 3. Brings a new object to the game with new interactions and animations, as well as 2 new diseases.

Download links:
There are two versions of the mod (install only one):
1) The_GTW version includes an animation of the symptoms and diseases that came with the Get to Work add-on.
2) The_BG version does not include disease animations and is suitable for players who do not have the Get to Work add-on installed.
Or download here.

Disease animations/vfx are absent in this version
Edible Easter Eggs (EDIBLE EASTER EGGS)
Additional Orange Juice to Cure Diseases (Orange Juice Override)


  • Name - Chicken Coop
  • Location - Misc Appliances, Outdoor Activity
  • Price - 500 Simoleons
  • Presets - 12


  1. Set Up Coop
  2. Buy Chickens
  3. Feed Chickens
  4. Check for Eggs
  5. Collect Eggs
  6. Look for Easter eggs
  7. Observe
  8. Converse with Chickens
  9. Rename Coop
  10. Play with Chicks
  11. Hug Chicken
  12. Tell Story
  13. Insult/Use fowl Language


1. Set Up Coop -
  • To be done once per sim for all coops.
  • Has to be redone if coop becomes dirty.
2. Buy Chickens -
  • Has to be done once per sim for all coops.
  • Has to be redone if chicken dies (very rare) 
  • Buff - 'New poultry' (+2 Happy, 2 sim hours)

3. Feed chickens -

  • Requires one Chicken feed in the inventory. 
  • After feeding Checking for eggs interaction becomes available. 
  • Can feed once every 12 hours.
  • Relationship gain.
  • New animation.
4. Check for eggs - 
  • If you check for eggs within 3 hours, there would be a notification that eggs are not ready. 
  • After 3 hours, eggs become ready to be collected.
5. Collect Eggs 
  • Sims get a carton of egg in the inventory.
  • Have to wait some time for the feed feature to be available again. 
  • New animation.
  • Gives buff - 'Bountiful Eggs' (+1 Energized, 8 sim hours)


  • Found in the inventory after collecting
  • Can be opened
  • Sim will receive good eggs and bad eggs in inventory
  • Can occasionally receive golden eggs 
  • On eating good eggs: buff - "Egg-cellent" (+3 Energized, 2 sim hours)
  • On eating Bad eggs: "Something Rotten" (=1 Uncomfortable, 2 sim hours). Bad eggs can act as a good quality fertilizer.
  • Golden eggs can be sold for 800 simoleons

6. Look for Easter eggs -

  • Will get 3 different types of Easter egg in the inventory.
  •  Edible. 
  • Can be sold. 
  • 12 different varieties. Edible.
  • New animation.
  • Gives buff - 'Easter Eggs' (+1 Happy for 24 sim hours)
  • Can be done once per day

7. Rename coop 

  • Name the chicken/chicken coop
  • Build relationship with the coop
  • Chicken Coop icon will appear in the relationship panel under the new name

8. Observe

  • Relationship gain.
  • Gives buff - "Chick Magnet" (+1 Happy, 2 sim hours)

9. Converse with Chickens

  • Relationship gain.
  • Fills Social motive
  • Gives buff - "Fowl Conversation" (+1 Energized, 8 sim hours)

10. Play with Chickens - 

  • Relationship gain.
  • Fills Social Motive
  • New animation.
  • Gives buff - "Chick Magnet" (+1 Happy, 2 sim hours)

11. Hug Chickens

  • Relationship gain.
  • Fills Social Motive
  • New animation.
  • Gives buff - "Hen Hugger" (+3 Happy, 2 sim hours)
12. Tell Story
  • Relationship gain. 
  • Fills Social motive
  • Gives buff - "Told a great story" (+1 Inspired, 12 sim hours)
13. Insult/Use Fowl Language
  • Relationship Loss. 
  • Fills Social motive
  • Gives buff - "Fowl Conversation" (+2 Confident, 8 sim hours)


1. Chicken Feed - Found in Misc Appliances, 5 simoleons, required to be present in inventory for Feed interaction

2. Egg Carton - Found in inventory after 'Collecting'

3. Eggs - Found in inventory after 'Open Carton' Interaction

4. Easter Eggs - Found in inventory after 'Search for Easter eggs' Interaction


  • Sim can start gaining relationship with the coop/chicken after naming the coop
  • Chicken appears in relationship panel (icon is a bit blurry)
  • Relationship gain - Converse with chickens, hug chickens, play with chicks, tell story
  • Relationship Loss - Insult Chicken/Use Fowl language


All diseases are fictitious

Fowl Flu

  • 20% chance of contracting the disease from tending to the chicken coop( feeding, collecting eggs etc)
  • Mild self limiting illness
  • Infectious during 1st phase
  • Consists of 3 phases lasting for 24 sim hours each
  • Phases are - Prodrome (Aches and Pains), Acute Phase ( Hot and Leaky), Convalescent (Get Well Soon)
  • Symptoms : Prodrome - Mild Fever, nausea sneezing and coughing with need decay.
  • Symptoms : Acute Phase - Severe Fever, nausea sneezing and coughing with need decay
  • Symptoms : Convalescent Phase - Headache, dizziness, nausea
  • Disease confers immunity for 7 sim days
  • Can be cured at any stage by drinking Orange Juice. If cured by orange Juice, then no immunity development (Requires orange juice override)


  • 30% chance of contracting the disease from eating bad eggs and 5 % chance from eating good eggs
  • Mild self limiting illness
  • Not Infectious
  • Consists of 3 phases lasting for 24 sim hours each
  • Phases are - Prodrome (Unusually Bad), Acute Phase (Simonella), Convalescence 
  • Symptoms : Prodrome - Mild Nausea with need decay.
  • Symptoms : Acute Phase - Severe Fever, nausea, weight loss with need decay
  • Symptoms : Convalescent Phase - Dizziness with weight loss and need decay
  • Disease confers immunity for 7 sim days
  • Can be cured at any stage by drinking Orange Juice. If cured by orange Juice, then no immunity development (Requires orange juice override)


1. Buffs are applied per sim so interactions are sim specific
2. Some clipping issues in custom animations. The animations are not perfect.
Please let me know if you encounter any other issues


Requirement : Base game compatible
Made with Game Version : 2/5/2019 – PC
Conflicts: Should not conflict with any other mod


Chicken Coop - 4722v/4148p(high), 3844v/1860p(med)
Carton 965v/1212p(high), 688v/763p(med)
Egg - 101v/180p(high), 46v/78p(med)
Easter Egg - 121v/168p(high), 68v/80p(med)
Chicken Feed - 74v/74p(high), 50v/44p(med)
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