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Lock Motives Decay When Asleep  

Upload: 04 Dec 2022, 10:04
Created by: Vicky Sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lock Motives Decay When Asleep

A simple edit of asleep mood buffs tunings to lock energy/ all other motives decay when sleeping.

It doesn't make sense to me that Sims still get energy decay when they are sleeping.

I also make an option to lock all motives decay when asleep for easier gameplay.

** Base-Game Compatible

** Compatible with ALL my other mods

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Searchable Pose Player

08 Jul 2024
2 163

This is a mod that works in tandem with either Andrew's Pose Player or Wicked Whim's Pose menu. It adds a search bar to their menus and allows you to search for full or partial matches.

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