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University - Custom Degrees  

Upload: 31 Mar 2022, 13:20
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
University - Custom Degrees

Requires the XML Injector and Utility: Ability To Read

There have always been gaps in Sims 4 education, learning didn't feel as realistic as we would have liked. But mods work wonders! This is a truly grandiose and incredibly extensive mod, very elaborate and interesting.

Now your characters will not only have to study, but also choose the necessary courses! And believe me, there are a lot of them!
- chemistry
- veterinary medicine
- medicine
- music
- archeology
- health
- sports and activities
- folklore and mythology
- social justice
- philosophy
- digital humanities
- education (primary)
- ecology
- criminology
- photography


Right now, there are 15 custom degrees included:

Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Music, Archaeology, Health, Sport & Performance, Folklore & Mythology, Social justice, Philosophy, Creative Digital Media, Education (Primary), Environmental Science, Criminology, Painting and Photography.

They work exactly like Maxis degrees and have their own custom Textbook and their own Presentation. 

Folklore & Mythology is a special one, is mostly meant for Writers, so the skill you work on is that one BUT it gives a XP gain bonus to Vampires and Witches, and upon completing it, it also gives you the Paranormal Investigator license. 

The degree are distinguished in:


Chemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Health, Sport & Performance, Health, Sport & Performance, Environmental Science, Criminology.


Music, Archaeology, Folklore & Mythology, Social justice, Philosophy, Creative Digital Media, Education (Primary), Painting, Photography.


The MAIN Package

This is the one you want to pay attention to. The files I needed to override from Maxis are all inside this Package (along with the string tables) so it's the only one that can cause conflicts (everything else is all new tunings)

This mod will conflict with: 

- mods adding courses or electives to Universities (not that i know about others, but it's been a long time since I went looking for what other people are doing since I'm so sick of patches and going around to update stuff that I'm just letting thing go to shit without updating other mods unless my mod folder explodes)

- mod altering theuniversity_CourseSchedule tunings Blocks 7 and 9, potentially mods altering the career tones in these career levels of every schedule (A, B, C and D)

- mods altering the interactions studying_CreateBook (I doubt there are)

- mods altering the loots: loot_Diploma_SetTypes and loot_Diploma_CreateDiploma

This mod will NOT conflict with: mods changing the price of the courses, mods changing the scholarships, mods changing the length of terms... all of this should work just fine.

The Shared Tuning Package

Books, traits, and all the tuning that doesn't need special attentions is in here, this file is always required. This has only new resources.


There are two versions: EA and Zer0

EA has the standard Maxis tuning to get accepted into distinguished degrees for my custom degrees

Zer0 has my tuning from Harder Distinguished Degree Acceptanceapplied to the new degrees, too. This doesn't even need the original mod to work (you can mix EA setting for this mod, mine for Maxis Degrees or my settings for this mod and EA for Maxis degrees)



This has the tuning of the single courses and there are two versions of this, too:

EA: standard price for the custom courses (240)

Zer0: University Costs More's prices for the custom courses, EA's are unchanged unless you have the other mod. Medicine and Veterinary have a higher price.


If you're a modder and have your own version of the cost for the courses, and want to change the price for these, too, fell free to do so and feel free to share, this is the package you want to change. File names follow Maxis standard, so you'll have no problems identify things. I'll release the loose xmls for the courses I'll add in the future, so you'll be able to import them in your customized file without having to change all of them again. 


These are the presentations left separated to easily add more in the future, all the 4 files inside the folder are required


This said, the mod is shared HERE and the file in the post is a scam.


In the optional folder you can find:

Required Degree for Promotion

The full mod, adapted to work with this mod, with my custom degrees added. Replace the original one with this one if you decide to use it.

A package that will lock the option to purchase the veterinary clinic unless you have a veterinary degree.

None of these two things is required.

About Careers:

I decided to NOT ad my Custom Degrees to the Career Jumping system. Actually, I decided to remove Maxis careers too.

I hate it.

The Degrees will work with careers thanks to Required Degree for Promotions, but they will not have a bonus in terms of pay, because apart from hating it too, the only reason I didn't remove it (yet) is that I'd need to modify all of the career levels both to delete them or add into them my own degrees.

If you have the testing version: delete it. Also clean the cache.

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