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Universal Phone v1.3.4  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 11:23
Created by: ShuSanR [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Universal Phone v1.3.4

The Universal Phone would provide you tons of services.
It is functional in the sim's inventory as well.

Age Required: Todders and up, not for babies
Functional: In the world/ In the Inventory(suggested)
Tag: Electronics>Misc

 Languages: English & Chinese Check the Chinese description on my Patreon >>
Brazilian Portuguese translation by qlaqercoixsa
French translation by
Spanish translation by Emanuel1204
Italian translation by zomboide

1)FeedMe App
The orders would deliver right away to the inventory.
Put the phone in the sim's inventory, order foods whenever you want!

>Kate's Cakes
>Next Door Restaurant
>Flash Bar(not for toddlers and children)
>KOI Cafe(GetTogether Required)
>City Yummy(CityLiving Required)
>Ice-Queen(SP03 Required)
>Tea Time(CityLiving Required)
>Snowy Izakaya(Snowy Escape Required)

2)Secret House

Unlock Career CAS
would unlock all the hidden CAS actually, except Nifty Knitting (use the "cas.unlockbytag SP17" to unlock the Knitting CAS).
This unlock need time to run, do not cancel the loading interaction before the success notification pop up, be patient, sims can do what they want while loading.
If no notification pop up, try again, it may conflict with some custom traits(mine as well)sometimes.
-Updated to Paranormal Stuff Pack-
Age Down Service
Back to a younger life stage, Birthday Animation, 2days Energized buff, Teens could age down to children
Leave Me Alone
the sims will disappear for 1-4 hours to think about their lives and take good care of themself, all the bad moodlets would be removed when they come back.[/B]
Become a Firefighter
Change into firefighter uniform for 3hours
normal dice, get a number from 1 to 6
Exchange Whim Bucks with simoleons
Order Ambrosia($4900)

3)DIY Trait Center
All the traits under this category are reward traits,
you can check the description in the sim's trait profile.

Ideal Type & Orientation
+++20 New Orientations for sims+++

The orientations would give the sims a strong willingness to
talk to and make friends with the sims who have a specific trait.

Sims can have more than 1 orientation, no limitation.
Raise the desire to socialize with the sims who have the specific trait.
Increase the Friendship & Romance gain with the sims who have the specific trait
(Most of the Orientations will increase the relationship gain X2 faster, except the "Adore Evil" orientation, it will increase the relationship gain 4x faster.)
open to all ages, the parent who has orientation would like the kid who meets their preference more.

More details:
"Like food aficionado" ---Glutton, Foodie
"Family Oriented"---------- Family Oriented, children, toddler
"Adore Evil" ------------------ Evil, Mean
"Love Sweet Pie" ----------- Cheerful, Childish
"Admire Materialism"----- Materialism, Snob
"Love Energized Souls"--- Active, bro, outgoing
Example: Lily has the "Adore Perfectionists" orientation, she always wants to marry a guy who is a perfectionist.
One day she went to a bar and met a guy named Jax, she didn't know Jax traits, but they could feel something different about each other.
Jax is a perfectionist and always feels lonely inside, Lily knows him and understands his pain and joy, they get along so well and had a wonderful time.
(The Orientations works very fine with the new sentiment system.)

Social Traits

Extemely sociable
Friendship increase 3x faster, Romance increase 1.5x faster
Friendship increase 1.75x faster
 Make Friends Carefully
Friendship & Romance increase 50% slower!slower!slower!
 Super Attractive
Romance increase 500% faster
Friendship & Romance Decrease 5x faster
(Touchy people are super sensitive, the trait won't affect the increase, but once the outcome is negative, the decrease would be unpleasant.)
 The "Make Friends Carefully" & "Touchy" trait can't compatible with other social traits if you chose this trait other social traits would be removed autonomously.

Mood Disturbance
>7 New reward traits<
>Disable the specific Emotion<

Sims won't get the buff/moodlet about the specific emotion.
(These traits won't remove the exited buff/moodlets.)

Calm Fine +10 Moodlet all the time
 Diffidence No Confident Moodlets
 Unhappy No Happy, energized, playful Moodlets, sleepy walk style
 Unable to focus No focus Moodlets
 Solemn No Playful Moodlets
 Lack of Creativity No Creative Moodlets
 Flirty Emotion Disabled
 Fearless No Scared Moodlets

skill learning speed

 High Intelligence 150% faster
 Clever 50% faster
 Not Clever 30% slower
 Idiot 80% slower

Change Voice(DLCs Required)


 4)Travel to

 >Go Dating<
Only for Adults & up, 1.5hours - 2.5hours, more than 10 places to chose to date, 4 new buffs, have positive & normal & negative results, the result is various from a different person, more than 10 outcome combination.
 >Get Together Activity<
Children & up, 5 New Destination, can select 8 Sims at most, each destination have more than 3 specific outcomes, the result is various from a different person
Destination choice: Dine out, Amusement Park, Ocean Park(no bad result), Shopping Mall, Hang out(no bad result)

Lily and her family decide to go to the Amusement Park, she wants to invite Jax to come as well. Lily and Jax play the game together and won a prize, Lily's little brother feels bad after riding the roller coaster,
Lily's mum thinks the Amusement Park is dirty and dilapidated, Lily's dad love the Ferris wheel and become friends with Jax! What a surprise!

 >Fish by the lake<
Fishing skill gain, Mental Skill gain(Children)
come back with some fish

 >look for collectible<
crystals, fossils, frogs, metals...
(if you have CityLiving DLC the sims may find some posters and festival items as well.)

 More Rabbitholes would come in the future

Cowplant Farming

Cowplant Farming

30 Jun 2022
1 292

This mod is somewhat similar to Dairy Cowplant but it also has a lot of new and interesting things! Now in your game there will be hybrid ruminants, the relationship between him and your character, and of course the opportunity to get delicious milk and more!

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