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Switch Streaming Mod (20.07.2024)  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 11:40
Last updated: 22-07-2024, 11:50
Created by: kawaiistacie [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Switch Streaming Mod (20.07.2024)

Want to become a full-time streamer like Sasha? She makes over $100k a week from donations and subscribers. She has an amazing interactive community which she makes amazing content for almost daily!

Requires: Get famous and City Living

How to get started / Use this mod!


  1. First, figure out which platform(s) you want to stream from. You can stream from a console, pc, your drone, or your tripod.

  2. After that, you want to buy the equipment that you need for streaming. Whether it's a laptop/computer, wifi-enabled tripod, drone, or all of the above. I recommend using multiple and especially the drone.

  3. Figure out what content you want or don't limit yourself and do everything.

  4. Grab the Switch Streamer aspiration if you are interested in that.

  5. Finally, you want to make sure your equipment is working, that you are wearing appropriate clothing, and then begin streaming.

  6. In the first 20-30 minutes of your very first stream, you will have a dead chat but people will eventually show up.

  7. After your first stream, you will have a new trait which will unlock a new menu called "switch streaming" in that new menu you can interact offline, interact with viewers when you are streaming using a drone, and get paid for subscribers every week.

Streaming Pros & Cons

For the already Famous / Big Streamers

  • You are less likely to get bans for your actions since you bring so much to our platform we will give you many warnings.

  • We will showcase you on the front page every single stream to bring you even more followers!

  • You are more likely to receive way more donations and bigger donations compared to a smaller Switch streamer.

  • Your community will be more welcoming compared to smaller Switch streamers.

  • You are more likely to receive a lot of hate comments from viewers who are jealous of your success.

  • You will get more subscribers naturally compared to smaller streamers.

  • You are less likely to react to subscribers and donations not because you are unappreciative but because you will get more.

For the newcomers / Smaller Streamers

  • You are most likely to get banned for your actions as you are new to our platform we are really strict.

  • You will most likely get very few donations and very small donations since you are a smaller streamer.

  • You are less likely to get hateful comments since you are a smaller streamer.

  • You are less likely to get more viewers since we mostly display our bigger content creators.

  • You won't gain subscribers as quickly compared to bigger streamers but you can work for it.

  • You are most likely to react to subscribers and donations for obvious reasons.

You will unlock social interactions after your very first stream! There is also a chance that people around you will celebrate your donations and subs with you!

Switch Rules

  1. Do not wear inappropriate clothing. You should never be nude for any circumstances. You should never be in swimwear at home during a stream unless you are inside of a hot tub or pool. At the same time, we do actually allow swimwear if you are at a beach or pool area.

  2. We do not allow bullying, excessive arguments, or fighting on stream as it is very unprofessional and not the image we want for our streaming platform.

How to Collab

NPC Streamers

  1. Open your Switch menu and look for a "collab with streamer" menu. If you don't see this menu that means that no streamer has reached out to collab with you. You can check daily and wait for them to reach out to you or reach out to them yourself using the "reach out to streamers" interaction in the switch menu.

  2. Select a streamer and wait for them to show up. The camera will pan to them and they will do a cute animation based on their personality.

  3. When the streamer arrives you can start the stream and chat will notice that the streamer is there which will get you more followers/subscribers/donations. They will stay for 8 hours at most and will leave when their needs/motives are low but you can always invite them back if they are still open for a collab.

Custom Made Streamers

  1. Make sure the sim that you want to collab with has the streamer trait.

  2. Invite them over or if they live with you just have them around when you start the stream and the chat will recognize them.

Current Features 

  • This mod adds live smart comments. There are 350+ possible comments even though you might end up with similar ones. The viewers are about 70% aware of what you are doing and will react to what you're doing-especially with drone streaming. There are all types of comments including mean ones I tried not to go "too far" with the mean comments.

  • This mod adds donations that will come with comments from your viewers.

  • This mod adds different moodlets and buffs to express the emotions streamers feel. I didn't go too deep inside the negative emotions (though some are included) because I want this mod so mostly showcase the positive part of being a streamer.

  • This mod adds an opportunity to get banned. Which will suck.

  • You can do a few interactions when you aren't streaming by clicking on your sim.

  • You can get subscribers which you will be paid weekly for having. You will be paid $10-25 per subscriber depending on their tier. You can make a maximum of $100k a week from subs alone.

  • You can choose from custom alerts for your donations and subscribers. Some alerts are featuring your favorite streamers/Youtubers in the sims community!

Drone Streaming

  • You can pretty much do almost anything you want to do when you're drone streaming and the chat will pick up on it.

  • There are no interactions on the drone itself but there are some when you click on your sim when you are streaming with the drone.

  • You can interact with your followers, tell a story, and even play an advertisement after you have completed your first stream by clicking on your sim. I advise you do an interaction like "sitting, eating, watch tv, etc.." before you click interact so that the sim will multitask.

  • I adjusted the drone so that it faces you instead of being behind you to make it more realistic.

Tripod Streaming

  • Every interaction is based only on the tripod.

  • You can stream a clothing haul, just chatting, emotional story, romantic story, scary story, singing stream, or recent storytime. When the interaction end so does the stream but they are two hours long.

Computer/Console Streaming

  • Live stream from your PC/Console with the live stream options.

  • Interact with your viewers by clicking on your sim while streaming on console/pc.

  • Stream multiplayer with your friends on PC. This will allow you to build your relationship with them. You can even hear them speaking.

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Already Upgraded

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Upgrading is simply a state assigned to each item, usually upon placement in the game world. They usually have three possibilities: Not Started, Partial, and Complete.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.