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Get Famous - No React In Disgust  

Upload: 19 Jan 2023, 15:55
Created by: soulkiller [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Get Famous - No React In Disgust

I reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy hate "React in Disgust". All Celebrities often have this autonomy when other Sims and Pets are around them Whether they are household or strangers. So, I changed all Values and killed
Now, They will never have that autonomy again, no matter where they are or who is around them.
My sweetheart will always be my sweetie. :P

Less Headlines

Less Headlines

24 Mar 2022
1 023

This mod disables several of the icons floating over your Sims heads after most interactions. There's a seperate file for each type of headline icons. You can mix and match as long as you keep the main file installed.

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