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Dairy Cow Mod  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 15:59
Created by: MizoreYuki, PandaSama, icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dairy Cow Mod

Functional mod - Dairy Cow / Dairy Cow Mod

This is a joint project between Pandasama, Icemunmun and Mizore Yukii. The project started in November 2020 and finally ended after 3 months. This mod allows you to breed a cash cow, you can feed it and then collect milk that you can drink or sell for money.

This cow include the following features:

  •     Buy dairy cow (7 swatches available)
  •     Rename Cow
  •     Feed hay or special seeds by opening the "Treat bag for cow" 
  •     Collect milk, milk varies depending on what you fed the cow
  •     Sell milk
  •     Drink milk, which gives you many different special moodlets 
  •     Talk to the cow and build/destroy your friendships
  •     Pet the cow, hidden interaction which unlocks when friendship is higher than 30
  •    Tell secret, hidden interaction which unlocks when friendship is higher than 50
  •     Meat collection (must be enabled through shift-click) that allows you to send your cow away and collect its meat

Additional objects that can be found in build/buy mode: 

  • "Treat bag for cow" which allows you to collect 18 special seeds upon opening, there are 15 type of seeds in total, if you download the add on file under this post, you will unlock 12 of them, the other 3 (coconut, plasma fruit, soya bean) are seeds from expansion packs, you must own the expansion pack for them to appear. These seeds can also be planted in your garden which allows you to harvest after the plant matures. 
  • "Hay" which you can buy and feed your cow with to get plain milk.

"Hay Bale" "Hay Pile" both allow you to collect hay,

 *If your cow is placed on grass, it will automatically eat when its hungry and will not die from starvation. If your cow is not placed on grass, you need to feed it manually, OR place "Hay Bale" or "Hay pile" within 9 tile of the cow, and click to "Enable-Auto Eating", then your cow would automatically eat as if they are on grass.

  • "Milk Canister""Milk bottle" allows you to have a quick drink of milk.

Additonal information: 

all interactions are available for child-adult sims

cows can be fed every 4 hours, you can collect milk immediately after feeding, your sim will likely autonomously do so.

If your cow is full, you will not be able to feed it, Hover your mouse over the cow to check its stats.

if your sim has friendship with a cow, and the cow is starving and not placed on grass, your sim will autonomously feed it with any seed or hay they have in their inventory.

collecting hay gives your sim special moodlet "fresh hay"

purchasing new cow gives moodlet "New cow"

If your friendship is above 70 with a cow and you send the cow away for meat, you will get moodlet "Lost a Friend"

petting cow gives moodlet "Divine Bovine"

Drinking milk gives you a number of different moodlets depending on the type of milk, try them out!

Cow will die of old age eventually, you will get an notification once your cow is getting close to the end of its days.

Potential bug (aka a bug only I'm experiencing lol) the energy of the cow turns into "None" and it wont go to sleep, if this happens just shift-click on the cow to "Refill Energy" and it should bring it back onto the right track

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