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Psychic Mod v1.0  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 16:06
Created by: Lumpinou
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Psychic Mod v1.0

With this mod, your characters will be able to receive psychic abilities as a gift from the spirit of the mysterious urn, which will allow them to feel and control other people's moods, make predictions and much more.

  • The update has added a new psychic ability skill, which the character can improve by using psychic skills or by learning the skill through the computer. With an increase in skill, the possibility of working as a psychic (rabbit hole) will open, including reading Tarot cards, immersing the client in a past life, imposing and removing various curses and spells, as well as a love spell. It is now possible to bind the ghost to a special crystal and, depending on the level of friendship, the ghost can help the psychic.

It's not so easy for human Sims because there are so many advantages to playing a vampire, a spellcaster, or even a mermaid. Poor human sims have to cope with all the hardships of life without special abilities. I want to tip the scales a bit and bring occult powers even to those of us who don't have expansion packs. So, here comes the psychic Sims mod! A psychic sim is fully human, but is in contact with spirits that lend their powers to sims who dare to speak to them.


Sim Powers - Dispel Negative Emotions- Psychic Sims can use their influence to dispel another Sim's negative emotions. This will give them a 4-hour, +2 "dazed" mood. The other Sim gets rid of the bad emotions, and instead gets a "mysteriously happy" 4-hour +2 moodlet.-

Steal positive emotions " - psychic sims can use their abilities to steal other people's emotions and get rid of negative emotions. This discards all negative moodlets (except "dazed") and steals an emotion, randomly it can be either +1 confident -

"Make joyful predictions

Psychic Sims gain psychic insight and can make predictions. A happy prediction will give the listener +1 confident mood for the day. This Sim will also be able to tell others about the lucky predictions they have received. +1 tense mood and being able to tell others about the dire prediction they've heard...

- " Communicate with Spirits " is an option that restores/fills a psychic Sim's needs by about

30 % . close to a psychic Sim, the psychic can make them psychic too.

"Depriving Psychic Powers - If a psychic sim meets another psychic sim, they can steal the other sim's spirit, causing the other sim to no longer be psychic. This is to give the player control if you've bestowed powers on another and want to revoke them Psychic Sims who are depowered get 4 hours +2 sad moodlets

- Psychic Sims are sensitive to other people's emotions If someone nearby is very happy, very sad, or very angry, psychic Sims get the corresponding +1 moodlet, which will stay until that other sim leaves.
- Psychic Sims are also sensitive to the presence of ghosts. They can perceive the most powerful memory of ghosts - the memory of their death. Near a ghost, the psychic sim gets +3 uncomfortable moodlets.

What other Sims can do about Psychics:
- "Psychic Joke"
- "Ask for Psychic Insight"
- "Psychic Powers"

What's New in 0.95:
Psychic Ability Skill: Find out more about the new Psyhics abilities below the Psychic Services information, in What's New for Psychic Sims.
- All Sims can now order psychic services from the computer (Order - Psychic Services).
- If a Sim is cursed, either directly by a psychic or because someone asked a psychic to curse them, they will suffer mild side effects. They can "Complain about the curse" and go to a psychic (via the computer) to get rid of the curse if they want to. There are currently 3 curses, and their effects are moderate (Curse of the Misanthrope, Curse of the Clumsy Lover, Curse of the Unfulfilled). There will be more events there in the next update.
- If a Sim attends a session, Past Life Regression or Tarot Reading, they can tell other Sims about it (look under the "Friendliness" menu) at a time when they are in the mood after attending "Psychic". There are different possible moods for these interactions, the result is not always the same.
- Other services: love spell (will give romance and friendship points to the chosen sim), career (will promote your sim and give them 3 extra days of PTO.

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