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Sim Characteristics Overhaul  

Upload: 06 Jun 2023, 17:47
Created by: Vicky Sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Sim Characteristics Overhaul

This brings New Sim Characteristics and overrides how in-game Sim Characteristics are impacted by traits from the Growing Together pack.

  • Extra Custom Characteristics of Occults, Fame, Reputation, Extroverted, Flirtatious, and Truthful Sims.
  • The "Original" version adjusts how much each trait impacts characteristics, and added my custom traits and some missing EA traits, lifestyles, and preferences
  • The "Conflict Overhaul" version includes all the above PLUS removes some strange conflict choices by EA. This removes conflicts between Creative & Genius in Cerebral Sims & Idealist Sims, removes Lazy from Nature Enthusiasts, Evil from Pet Enthusiasts, Cheerful from Egotistical Sims, etc.
  • It is not a requirement to use this mod with my custom traits, but Sim Characteristics are now also impacted by the following traits pack if you installed them:
    100 Base-Game Traits
    AbsentEmotion Traits
    Faithfulness Traits
    Seasons Traits
    Sims Qualities
    Supernatural Traits
    Traits Remade In CAS
    EA Traits As Reward
  • Pet Enthusiasts also include all negative Cats & Dogs Traits from ilkavelle.
  • Requires Growing Together Pack


  • This Characteristics Set requires the Growing Together Pack!
  • Use either chingyu_CharacteristicsOverhaul_ConflictOverhaul or chingyu_CharacteristicsOverhaul_Original
  • chingyu_ExtraCharacteristics includes characteristics for Extroverted, Flirtatious, and Truthful Sims.
  • chingyu_GetFamousCharacteristics_EP06 includes characteristics for Fame and Reputation.
  • chingyu_OccultCharacteristics includes characteristics for Occult Sims (no need for owning all the supernatural packs).
  • Put the package(s) you want in less than FIVE folders deep in your Mod Folder.

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