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Love Bites  

Upload: 02 Apr 2022, 09:25
Created by: YourFalseHope [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Love Bites

Requires the XML Injector

The new Odakselagnia trait allows you to play a character with a vampire bite kink. Owners of this trait, which can be purchased from the Reward Shop for 150 success points, will be able to get sexual satisfaction from the bites they receive. The trait has several new moodlets and a special interaction.

"FalseHope_LoveBites" - Vampires can only bite humans.
"FalseHope_LoveBites_Vampires" - Vampires can bite humans and vampires.

Just A Stool & Tray As Counter Exclusive

Just A Stool & Tray As Counter

24 Oct 2022

I wonder why I haven't made this earlier! I've been bothered forever by the necessity to have a counter to install a coffee machine (why there would be a counter in the teacher room of a school?) I'm playing with several tiny houses where I find weird to have a counter... and last

Home Repair: Stained Walls

Home Repair: Stained Walls

01 Sep 2022

Why do you have to inspect them before cleaning them? Because that gives you the freedom to choose when they become cleanable. Otherwise your sims will go around doing it on their own when you might want it to stay messy for a bit.

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