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New Spa Day Traits  

Upload: 02 Apr 2022, 10:11
Last updated: 2-08-2023, 16:35
Created by: kuttoe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 2-08-2023, 16:35 » [Aqxaro]
New Spa Day Traits

This trait pack adds two new Lifestyle traits which integrate into the features of the Spa Day game pack and give you a few new reasons to visit a spa lot. Each trait comes with new moodlets, social interactions with custom loots and speech bubbles, and whim sets.

Traits Included in This Pack

Health Nut

These Sims take their health and wellness very seriously. They get powerful moodlets from yoga, and will enjoy other forms of cardio, using a sauna, and drinking tea.

These Sims get a bonus to the Wellness skill and their Energy need decays slightly slower than other Sims.


These Sims abhor menial tasks and household chores, but their mood will immediately improve when they are pampered. They usually see cooking, cleaning, gardening, and doing repairs as beneath them, and demand some time set aside for soaks in a bath or hot tub, or deep tissue massages. Consider hiring a maid or a butler for them!

These Sims will struggle at careers that involve physical labor like Military, Manual Labor, and Fast Food, but they excel at the Critic career.

Unlike most Sims, Lavish Sims hate Tiny Home lots; they receive none of the personal bonuses like improved mood and skills, and instead will get penalties. The smaller the house, the greater their stress!


Portuguese (thank you, francislorenzi!)
Russian (thank you, Yuffie!)
Polish (thank you, oksytocyna!)
Chinese (thank you, mumulinovo!)
Italian (thank you, ISY!)
French (thank you, Candyman!)
German (thank you, xxicedragon and LittleDog1002!)
Spanish (thank you, Team Onnya!)
  South American variant available (thanks, gab093lligth!)

New translations are always welcome!


These traits were made with the Spa Day game pack in mind, but are technically compatible with the Base Game. Other packs will enable more features. 

Veterinary Technician Career 1 MB

Veterinary Technician Career

17 Jun 2022

Has your character always dreamed of working with animals, treating them, caring for them, and just socializing? Then this job is for you! Of course, there is already an open career from EA, but if you don’t want to run to work with a character.

Offer to Feed

Offer to Feed

04 Jul 2022
1 251

Didn't it seem strange to you that the characters can't offer their vampire friends to feast on their blood, just like in the third part? With this mod, this flaw will be fixed. In order for this action to become available, your mortal charge must befriend a vampire.

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