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PH - Curfew Tweaks  

Upload: 19 Mar 2022, 07:11
Last updated: 14-05-2022, 07:28
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Russian translation added - 14-05-2022, 07:28 » [Aqxaro]
PH - Curfew Tweaks

This is what happens when I play the game, actually play... I have to quit 2000 times because the gameplay sucks... Parenthood was a big disappointment back in the days. There was this very cute interaction in The Sims 2 where teens could ask permission to go out, I wanted it back. 

Once the curfew is set, teens will have the opportunity to ask for permission to go out regardless, the interaction will only succeed if the teen has high responsibility, and they'll be given permission.

Also added reactions from the parents to quitting jobs, breaking timeout, breaking the curfew, and bad grades similar to the reaction for breaking grounding 

Also fixed the "curfew is about to start" text message coming from the pets in household, since I cannot test the sender, the message will now display the curfew icon, which is better than the cat sending messages (mines do, but they're hardly that coherent)

Requires the XML Injector for the interaction to appear.

Russian translated by babushka : Download (simfileshare)

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