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Run when busting to pee!  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 05:49
Created by: moddymel [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Run when busting to pee!

This is a simple mod that replaces the slow waddle animation with running animations for sims with low bladder.

It was cute for a little while.
No more taking hours to waddle home across a big map!
Now it's back to how it was in earlier games. How it should be.

"needs to pee" buff now has the plain jogging animation.
"really needs to pee" buff now has the panicked run animation.

Peeing one's pants is always funnier when they at least try to not have it happen to them.

Sugardating Event 696.8 kB

Sugardating Event

01 May 2022
1 276

Sims will get paid to go on a sweet date! Your Sims will be paid for their time and affection! Sims will also be able to earn money by asking Sugar-host for money, which is found in the Sugarhost menu.

BG - Walkby Overhaul 88 KB

BG - Walkby Overhaul

13 Apr 2022

Works the same as before, but better... you'll see only residents around in residential neighbourhood, less sims from other world in general in venues too, the game will always try to pick residents first. Place some sims not in world to not reduce too much the walkby around.

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