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Gardening Plants, All Seasons, No Glow, and 10 Harvestables by MonoChaos  

Upload: 20 Jun 2022, 12:25
Last updated: 21-03-2023, 20:37
Created by: MonoChaos [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Gardening Plants, All Seasons, No Glow, and 10 Harvestables by MonoChaos

And now for the second updated MonoChaos tuning mod. I deeply apologize for how long this is taking. Real life is kicking my butt right now and I've got the attention span of a hyperactive kitten thanks to it. BUT here is another updated mod. Yay!I had an old post on my blog with a similar mod that had a lot more flavors. I have now made that post private and will only be keeping this one updated.

What this mod does:

  • Makes all plants always in season
  • Removes the glow FX from the Forbidden and Grow fruit trees
  • Makes -almost- all plants yield 10 crops per harvest.
  • OPTIONAL Plasma tree mesh replacement to make it fit in 1x1 gardening pots/planter boxes

Known Less than 10 crop plants:

I know this plant only produces one seed per harvest I do plan on changing that eventually. If you notice any others please let me know.

  • Mosquito plant from GP04 Vampires

Known Issues with the Plasma Tree Mesh Replacement:

The mesh replacement causes the tree's colors to become more saturated and no longer animated. There is currently no way around this other than not using the mesh replacement. Personally I like the way it looks with the more saturated colors and don't mind the lack of animation.

What this mod replaces and conflicts with:

This mod modifies all of the harvestable plant tuning files and will conflict with any other mod that does so.  

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1 007

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There's a separate module for each NS feature. Only choose 1 file for each feature, but you can totally mix and match different types of solutions for different features (e.g. disable one feature, just fix another and restrict another feature to never played sims).

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