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To install the mod, you ecessarily need SMAPI, read the guide.

Xtardew Valley v3.0.0  

Upload: 09 Jul 2023, 11:07
Created by: Pseudodiego [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 3.0.0
Xtardew Valley v3.0.0

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There is a discord if you have any questions.

Mod Requirements

SMAPI (Mod loader) 
Content Patcher
- Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE)- YES, YOU NEED IT. which has a large amount of dependencies, ensure you have them as well 
Free Love- This DOESN'T force you to marriage multiple people. 
Custom Spouse Rooms 
Event Repeater 
NPC Unique Courtship Responses
Anti Social NPCs
Romanceable Rasmodia - (For the witch romance)
Romanceable Rasmodius SVE version, 12 expression variant - (Also for the witch romance)
Mobile Phone Mod - Only to repeat events when you want

Q: What is a .rar file and how do I open/unzip it?

A: It’s like a .zip file, but you need to open it with 7-zip (on PC) or the Unarchiver (on MacOS). This will cause the normal folders to appear wherever you extract the files using the extraction application of your choice.

Q: Does the mod really need SVE?

A: YES. Events with vanilla characters will break without SVE due to vanilla maps being different than SVE ones, and half of the events are made for SVE characters.

Q: Does this work mod with other adult mods?

A: Possibly, but the popular adult mods seem to follow different philosophies, so I really recommend using them separately.

Q: Can I use a female farmer?

A: You can, but all of the events are directed towards a male farmer, so in the events the other characters will still act as if you are a dude. Its up to personal preference though. 

Q: Why does insert character here appear as 2 colored lines/not show up at all?

A: You have another mod that changes sprites for that character. Try removing that mod that changes them and reboot your game. If youre still having issues, feel free to ask about it in bugs .
Q: I'm getting a mod error on my console!

A: Read FAQ/Bugs pins first on discord. There are quite a few things that could be wrong in this case. The dependencies aren't up to date, you didn't extract things correctly, etc. Just head on over to bugs on discord with a log ( of your console and we will try to help as best we can. Screenshots of logs will not work.

Q: Error: Romanceable Rasmodia - is an Empty folder error, and Romanceable Rasmodius has files but, no manifest.json 

A: The bundled Rasmodia and Rasmodius mods are not supposed to be independent mods. They are file overwrites for the ones you download on nexus below, you should be pasting our folders over the ones you downloaded from nexus. This will set the configs/overwrite some files in those mods.

Q: Does this mod work for mobile?

A: No idea.

Q: Are there any events for male NPCs? Will there be?

A: No. I'm personally not interested in M/M content and I'm currently not interested in any of the conversion mods that make the bachelors female, or a female farmer. You can make events for them as there is a guide to download here at nexus.

Q: Why can't I trigger some events with debug ebi? 

A: Some events have requirements tied to them in the content.json file and wont be seen as events until these are met. Ie: House upgraded to max. Play normally or use cheats to get the requirements with the characters. Otherwise, you removed the console commands mod which comes bundled with SMAPI, and need to reinstall SMAPI if it says command not found.

Q: I use a Mod Manager/Vortex and Xtardew wont work or show any events!

A: Vortex/Mod Manager is your problem. Xtardew doesn't play nice with Vortex Especially. Stop using a mod manager for a game that doesnt need it, and install your mods manually.

Installation order
1. Install if you dont have it and remember to use Extract Here command in not extract to. extract to causes problems with file overwrites unless you know 100% what you are doing.
1.5. install SMAPI, NOT a mod manager.
2. SVE Dependencies - ALL OF THEM
3. SVE - YES you need it. NO there is no non SVE version.
4. Content Patcher/Event Repeater/Mobile Phone/Unique Courtship/Anti Social NPCs
5. Free Love + other parts/dependencies
6. Romanceable Rasmodius SVE Version, the 12 Expression Variant. YOU HAVE SVE, so install the SVE version. DO NOT install the non SVE Version
7. Romanceable Rasmodia
8. XDV
Note: and update to 6 or 7 does require steps 6 through 8 to be reinstalled. 

You can trigger most of the specific events even without the requirements having been met by using the command Debug ebi ID HERE. Example: Debug ebi 15 would trigger the event for Haley's  10 heart event. Do not use debug ebi while you are in the map tile where the event occurs.
You will need to open the config file inside SVE and activate the mature events by changing the config Mature Events to true for some of the events to play (GMCM also works for this)

Also, to Marry Jodi or Robin you will need to go into Free Love or MS and set the config for "RomanceAllVillagers": true AFTER they appear as single in the relationships tab.

Set "Override Generic Dialogue": "false", in the [CP] Romanceable Rasmodius SVE config file to make Unique Courtship work
Single Spouse Events

- Leah 10 heart event expanded: Same requirements as the vanilla 10 heart event. ID: 54
- Leah Post Marriage Event: Enter the farmhouse on a sunny day between 21:00 and 24:00 when you have already seen her 10 heart event. ID: 1237

- Abigail Pre-marriage 10 heart event: Occurs on a rainy day in Cindersap Forest between 10:00 and 14:00 after seeing the vanilla Abigail 10 heart event. This is divided between two events, the first event will tell you how to trigger the second. IDs: 19930/19931
- Abigail Post Marriage Event: Occurs in the Saloon between 17:00 and 19:00 on a sunny Friday, after seeing the pre marriage event. ID: 19932

- Scarlett 4 heart event: an expansion of her SVE event, occurs at her house after you have seen her 2 heart event at the bulletin board by her house and have reached 4 hearts with her. ID: 3691375
- Scarlett 8 heart event: An expansion of her 8 heart SVE event that occurs at blue moon vineyard, and reaching 8 hearts wit Scarlett. ID: 3691378

- Sophia 10 Heart Event: This event occurs leaving the farmhouse on Friday or Saturday between 6:00 and 8:20, on a sunny day after seeing the normal Sophia 10 heart event. This is divided between two events, the first will tell you how to trigger the second. IDs: 17733/17734
- Sophia Post Marriage Event: This event occurs leaving the farmhouse on Friday, Saturday or Sunday after seeing the previous Sophia event. This event is also divided between two events, the first will tell you how to trigger the second. IDs: 17731/17732

- Penny 8 heart event changed so it doesn't suggest anymore that she's cheating on you with Sam.
- Penny 10 heart event expanded: Same requirements as the vanilla 10 heart event. ID: 38
- Penny After Marriage Event: Occurs in the library on Monday, between 13:00 and 16:00 after seeing the previous 10 heart event, once you're at 12 hearts with Penny. ID: 7395540

- Claire Revamped 10 Heart SVE Event: Same requirements as normal 10 heart event, you can check them on the SVE Wiki. ID: 3219876
-Claire Revamped 12 Heart Event Part 2: Same requirements as normal 12 heart event, you can check them on the SVE Wiki. (ID: 3219878->Debug Ebi doesn't work with this event)

- Olivia 6 heart event: Same requirements as her normal 6 heart event, you can check them on the SVE Wiki ID: 4000004
- Olivia 8+ heart event: Same as her normal SVE 8+ heart event, you can check the requirements on the SVE wiki. ID: 8982805
- Olivia 14 heart event: Same as her normal SVE 14 heart event, which can be checked on the SVE wiki. ID: 8982820

- Jodi 4 heart event: Same requirements as the vanilla 4 heart event, But must occur pre year 2. ID: 94
For Marriage Process, see the New Marriages Section
- Jodi 12 heart event: You must be at 12 hearts with her, and enter the farmhouse between 19:00 and 24:00 ID: 132743

- Revamped 6 heart SVE event: Desert between 00:00 and 2:00 when you're at 6 hearts with Sandy/No sexual content. ID: 1000038

- Maru 10 heart event: To trigger it you must have seen the normal 10 heart event, and you have to visit her house between 10:00 and 16:00. ID: 8372076
- Maru 14 heart event: This event expands on her vanilla 14 heart event. ID: 5183338

- Haley 10 heart event Expanded: Same as her vanilla event; You must be at 10 hearts with her and you must enter her house when she is in there ID: 15 
-Haley 12 heart event: triggers in the morning during summer, when you're at 12 hearts, and when it's sunny. This event occurs when you wake up. ID: 23817391.
- Haley 14 heart event - Same requirements as the vanilla 14 heart event, (ID: 8675611)

- Emily 10-Heart Event Expanded: Same requirements as the vanilla 10 heart event. ID: 2123343
- Emily Post Marriage Event: Enter the Saloon between 16:00 and 17:00 on Friday when you're married to Emily and after seeing the 10 heart event. ID: 2123344

Robin (I recommend waiting on romancing her, as I'm currently reworking her content)
Single Pre Marriage Event
Part 1: Triggers on the 3rd day of Summer when you leave the farmhouse, when Robin is at 10 hearts and you've upgraded the farmhouse to have a cellar.
Part 2: Triggers after seeing the first one, on the 5th day of summer, enter the mountains between 21:00 and 24:00. IDs: 3729128/3826934
Robin has More events post Marriage, For Marriage Process, see the New Marriages Section
Robin 12 Heart event: To trigger you need to enter her old house between 6:00 and 19:00 while she's there. ID: 428912985

Caroline (I recommend waiting on romancing her, as I'm currently reworking her content)
-Caroline SVE Mature Event:  a modification of the SVE Caroline mature event. You must be in Year 3 or later, and have seen Abigail's SVE event. You must also be at 10 hearts with Caroline
-Caroline Event 2: Replaces Pierre Mature Event from SVE; It triggers in summer, spring or fall, when you have seen the previous Caroline event and when you enter the farmhouse between 21:00 and 26:00. As is the case with the previous event, it triggers in year 3 or later. ID: 4383992

Witch (Female Magnus Razmodius)
-Witch 8 heart event: When you are at 8 hearts with her, enter her tower between 6:00 and 2300. ID: 3073004
-Witch 9 heart event: Enter the Secret Woods between 8:00 and 17:00 when you have received a letter from The Witch inviting you there. ID: 3073005
-Witch 14 heart event: Replaces the Under the sea event at 14 hearts with the witch that occurs on ginger island. ID: 1724100

Repeteable Text Events For All Spouses
-22 new text events that work for all spouses. To trigger them enter the farmhouse between 21:00 and 0:00. The events may require 11, 12, 13 or 14 hearts to trigger. These events have no animations or images and occur over a black screen. The game will ask you if you want to view them, and it will ask them for each wife you have. They trigger on these days of the month: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,  10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 27.

Poly Events
- Sandy x Emily Event: Go into town on a sunny day between 12:00 and 17:00 after you have seen Sandy’s 6-heart event from SVE,  when Emily is at 14 hearts, and Sandy at 10. ID: 1135931
Sophia x Scarlett Event: To trigger this event you need to be at 14 hearts with Sophia, and leave the house in the morning on Thursday. The second part of the event triggers the next day inside Sophia's Vineyard between 19:00 and 21:00. IDs: 3724928/3724929
-Leah x Sophia x Abigail x Emily Event: This event's first part triggers on the 26th of Fall when you leave the farmhouse in the morning. You have to be at max hearts with Emily, Leah, Sophia and Abigail. You also must have seen the 10 heart Abigail event. The second part of the event triggers in the abandoned vineyard building after the Spirit's Eve festival on the 27th of Fall. Be quick going to the building, as the festival ends at 24:00, and you pass out at 2:00. IDs: 371929/371930
-Penny x Sophia Event: To trigger this event you must be at 14 hearts with Sophia and Penny. It must be Summer or fall, here are two events, the short one will tell you what to do to trigger the long one. The first part of this event occurs when you wake up. ID: 8186182 / 8185119
-Leah x Abigail Event: This Event occurs when you enter the farmhouse while you're at 14 hearts with Leah and Abigail, on Friday or Saturday, in a sunny day and between 10:00 and 13:00. You also must have seen the after marriage Abigail Event, and have the farmhouse fully upgraded. ID: 75933
-Sophia x Leah Event: Modified 14 heart Leah event, same requirements as vanilla, and  14 hearts with Sophia. This is divided between two events, the first event will tell you how to trigger the second. IDs: 3911124 / 3091462
-Jodi x Caroline Event:  It adds a new event between Jodi and Caroline. You must be married to Jodi, be at max hearts with her, and have 10 hearts with caroline as well. Enter the farmhouse between 19:00 and 20:00 to trigger the event. (ID: 43529255) .

New Marriges
WARNING, it is currently a known bug that trying to marry Jodi or Robin first will break your game. they must be married after one of the vanilla/SVE bachelorettes

Jodi marriage
You will need to open the config file inside SVE and activate the mature events as soon as you start:
  "MatureEvents": "true"
After Robin and Jodi are listed as single in the game (see instructions below) you need to open the config.json in the Free love mod folder and set the parameter: "RomanceAllVillagers": true,. 
The Two Paths to the Jodi Marriage:
-Get Jodi and Kent to 10 hearts, (Year 2) watch the Jodi SVE 10 heart mature event and then enter the farmhouse between 22:00 and 24:00 on a rainy day.
 -Get Jodi to 10 hearts and be in year 3, watch Jodi SVE 10 heart mature event and then enter the farmhouse between 22:00 and 24:00 in a rainy day.
When you fulfill one of those requirements an event will trigger, in the event you have one option that will lead to Jodi divorcing Kent and another where things will stay as they are. To Marry Jodi you must pick the option that states you deserve better
If you select the option that leads to the divorce, the next morning Jodi will appear as "Single" in the relationships tab, and you can give the bouquet to her. When you give her the bouquet she will have some dialogue that indicates when and where the next event will trigger.

Robin Marriage
Warning: Romancing Robin will cause Demetrius to leave the valley permanently 

Second Robin event: (See above in the single girl events for the 1st part)
Part 1 Triggers the fourth day of winter when you leave the farmhouse in the morning and have seen the previous Robin event. ID:  37451232 
Part 2 Triggers on the fifth of winter, and the first part indicates what to do to trigger the second part. ID: 77442423
Part 3 is a small epilogue event that triggers the following morning
    -Demetrius leaves the valley after that event.
    -Some changes to Robin's schedule and dialogue after Demetrius leaves
    -Some changes To Maru's schedule as well, she goes to visit Demetrius in the city on Tuesdays and Sundays.
Third Event: triggers when you're dating Robin, at the Big Shed that she fixes for you as a part of Stardew Valley Expanded. 

Villager Poly Romances
Note that this section is part of a separate mod; Xtardew Valley Poly Romances
Abigail x Leah Events
-The first event triggers when you have one heart with both Abigail and Leah, when you enter the forest on a sunny day between 10:00 and 17:00 ID: 45382947
-The second event is a modified vanilla event, be at two hearts with Leah and enter her house when she's there. (ID: 50)
-For the third event you need to be at five hearts with both Abigail and Leah and enter the town on a sunny day between 10:00 and 17:00. ID: 342528293
-4th event: You need Leah and Abigail at 10 hearts, you need to have seen Abigail's event in the abandoned farmhouse, and you need to enter Leah's house between 10:00 and 20:00 ID: 4828298

Nom0ri for his awesome mod Romanceable Rasmodia.
Gizzymo for his Canon Friendly dialogue expansion.
Chisami for her sprite and portrait of Emily.
Flashshifter for his awesome mod Stardew Valley Expanded.
Poltergeister For the portraits for Stardew Valley Expanded
Ailin for the portrait and sprites of Seasonal outfits.
HopewasHere For the portraits for Stardew Valley Expanded
Kamirose for the Character Portrait Overhauls mod
Dizor for the Sandy Portrait.
Stanloona420 for the revised portrait and sprited mods.

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  1. M
    Muhammed [Guests]
    31 January 2025 18:34
