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Plasma Farmer V2  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 11:16
Last updated: 26-07-2023, 11:05
Created by: laurelie [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Plasma Farmer V2

UPDATE: V2 is now the latest version.
New features: New animations, the Drain Blood interaction, and the Vampire Blood Bag.
New animations: I used the injection animations from Get to Work for added immersion, so now taking blood is more fun to watch.
Drain Blood interaction: Now, vampires can drain their victims' blood, resulting in their death. The new update has two versions - one, called V2 (Zero) which requires Zero's new Vampires Can Kill Mod, and kills sims with the 'death by vampire'. The other version is V2 (EA) which uses an EA death - Old Age.

Vampire Blood Bag: Vampires, as well as humans, can now take their own blood. They will receive a 'Vampire Blood Bag' - which can be sold for 10,000 simoleons or drunk by a human, instantly turning them (this is how I prefer the interaction. If it would be preferred to have the humans turn slowly instead of instantly, please tell me!).

Description: The medical plasma packs in the game have always annoyed me for one reason: they can only be purchased, not harvested (unless you have Cats and Dogs). I wanted to make them available to produce by clicking on sims, so I made a basic mod. Click on the sim, click the Vampire pie menu, and click 'Take {1.SimFirstName}'s Blood' or 'Take Own Blood' if you're selecting your own sim. One medical plasma pack will turn up in the active sim's inventory (this represents 1 'Unit' of blood - the average human has 10).

Future Updates:
- The next update will be using Zer0?s Vampires Can Kill to make the drain blood interactions.
- After that I will work on a Vampire blood bag. A vampire’s blood can be drawn by them or by others, and will turn the human that drinks it. This is one of the most exciting interactions I want to mod!
- If I can, I will make the blood bags labelled with who they were extracted from.
- I’d like to add buffs and make sims dazed and dehydrated, but am not sure when I’ll do this.

Any suggestions that I am able to implement are very welcome. Enjoy!

Requires the XML Injector

[Laureli] Plasma Famer V2 (EA).rar
[Laureli] Plasma Farmer V2 (Zero).rar

Lot Property - Haunted Locations 2 KB

Lot Property - Haunted Locations

16 Jun 2022

This property has been exported from the new lot type, which is responsible for gameplay functionality. The property does not override the original lot type and if, for example, you want spirits to appear in apartments, you can implement this in the game using this mod.

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