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Random Showers  

Upload: 09 May 2023, 04:37
Created by: InternWaffle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Random Showers

Requires the XML Injector

UPDATE 1/24: Increased chance of getting "Fine" moodlet to ~75%. ~25% of the time you'll get one of the other moodlets at around a 4% chance each.

Added a hidden buff that prevents the shower from giving a new moodlet until after 5 hours have passed minimum.

Update 1/24 11am EST: Fixed Simdata issue in STRONG version that caused UI issue!

Update 1/26: Adding english strings to all languages, included Portuguese translation

This mod makes every shower your sim takes have a random chance of applying a buff, instead of letting you choose which buff you want by taking different types of showers- because I like my game to be harder than normal, and I don't think it makes a lot of sense that I can just CHOOSE to be inspired by the shower.

It entirely removes the special shower options. The only actions available are your standard Take Shower and, if applicable, Sing in Shower interactions.

At the end of your shower, you'll get one of 7 buffs, each of which lasts 5 hours or until you take another shower:

Standard Shower!
-Fine Buff
-No special effects

Steamy Shower!
-Flirty Buff
-Lowers effects of Sad buffs

Shivery Shower!
-Uncomfortable Buff
-Increases effects of Angry buffs
-Outright removes Flirty buffs

Silly Shower!
-Playful Buff
-Lowers effects of Sad Buffs

Sensational Shower!
-Energized Buff
-Lowers effects of Angry buffs
-Removes Tense buffs

Smart Shower!
-Inspired Buff
-Increases effects of Confident buffs

Sad Shower...
-Sad Buff
-Lowers effects of Happy Buffs

Normally, the special shower types have effects. The Brisk Shower for example lowers the duration of Angry and Flirty buffs by cooling you down. Since these interactions are now gone, these moodlets attempt to mimic those effects. So the end result is a bit hacky and different. These buffs are also OVERRIDES to the original buffs from the original shower types.

You WILL still get moodlets for cheap, expensive, and upgraded showers!

The "Standard Shower" buff will show up about 75% of the time. There is a hidden buff preventing you from getting a new one until 5 hours have passed, so you can not re-roll your results by taking another shower right away.

Plan Career Outfit

Plan Career Outfit

07 Jul 2022
1 160

This mod will add a new career outfit interaction plan to all mirrors, chests of drawers and collection cabinets. It will also be added to any other object that already has the Change Sim interaction, so this means it will automatically work for custom content creation as well.

Tiny Education Overhaul

Tiny Education Overhaul

29 Apr 2024
2 491

This is, in fact, a very tiny education overhaul. I split it into multiple parts so you can freely pick between all the changes. Free education for all. All university classes and electives are free. You'll still have to pay for housing, though.

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