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Automatic Thermostat (Seasons)  

Upload: 08 Apr 2022, 19:29
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Automatic Thermostat (Seasons)

This Mod will let you “upgrade” your Thermostat to an automatic Thermostat!

The Activation will cost 699$ (only on owned Lots).

You can get a 40% Discount for the “Shopping Rebate” Holiday Tradition (will not fullfill the Goal though)

The automatic Thermostat will:

  • activate the Cooler when the Weather is Hot or Burning
  • activate the Heater when the Weather is Cold or Freezing
  • turn off again if it is not Hot, Burning, Cold or Freezing anymore

It will work on not owned Lots too even without the need to “upgrade” the Thermostat!

Available Languages:
English (default),
German by me
Chinese by dannywangjo, 
Spanish by Alice, 
French by jcac, 
Russian by Neko Amiko, 
Portuguese by Ana Carolina, 
Japanese by maru dada,
Polish by Hiruko,
Swedish by hellogreeny,
Italian by Birdolina,
Dutch by yeeyeetess 
Simplified Chinese by Licer
Czech by Lili

Trait - Depression 1.3

Trait - Depression 1.3

08 Jul 2022

Whatever the world is, not everyone sees it as colorful and attractive. People suffering from depression find it unbearable to perform seemingly ordinary household chores, and a feeling of inexplicable sadness and apathy almost never leaves them.

Death of Sim Reaction Tweak

Death of Sim Reaction Tweak

24 Mar 2022

Sims will react to the death of aquaintances, not so close relatives, disliked sims, ... less strong as they do without this mod. The moodlets are shortened and less strong. The nophonenotification package stops other Sims from calling you to tell that a Sim has died.

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