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Nectar Making [Ancient Roman Theme]  

Upload: 07 Jun 2023, 14:15
Created by: Balkanika [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Nectar Making [Ancient Roman Theme]

Gift your Sims the ability to produce their own Nectar from the comfort of their home. Take a short walk back in time and let your Sim experience Ancient Roman nectar, nectarmaking, and lifestyle.


This mod gives you a Stomping Vat, which is a large appliance that can be used to make different types of nectar.  It can be found in buy mode under "Appliances -> Large appliances" (it can be found also under hobby, outdoor activity, and small appliances for convenience). It costs 400$, and it comes in 3 different colors.

The object comes with custom animation (I used the animation for when Sims stomp in puddles, and adjusted it for the code, it's my first time doing something like this, so please let me know if you experience any issue), and doesn't have a footprint, so the animation can be executed correctly.

When you press on the object you'll see an option to make nectar, which will open a selection menu and you can choose from 20 different types.

Once the nectar is ready, the Sim will take the object and carry it to a nearby surface to place it on.

Increasing your cooking skill will unlock different flavors. At L1 are available only two nectars.

Each drink has optional ingredients, if you have the needed ingredients it's free, otherwise you can just purchase the drink.

Each cycle produces a large Roman Vessel filled with nectar, once opened it will give 6 roman ceramic bottles in your Sim's inventory. Each bottle contains 6 cups. The vessels and bottles do not spoil.

You can Sell your nectar at plopsy, flea table or using my custom selling option when you press on the object.
Children also can stomp the grapes (to make nectar), but adult is required to collect the production once it's done, children cannot collect it.

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