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My Wedding Stories - The Witching Hour  

Upload: 08 Apr 2022, 12:09
Created by: witching-hour
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
My Wedding Stories - The Witching Hour

“The Witching Hour” defaults and extras! You can find the palette here if you are interested in the colors.

  • There are three files for adults in the download: the female frame defaults, the male frame defaults, and the extras
  • There are three files for children in the download: the defaults, the ea extras, and the extras
  • We recolored the outfit that has a hair attached in it, but it’s only in defaults. It’s a weird situation.

Defaults | Extras | EA Extras | Merged

Ultimate Dancer Career 1.21 MB

Ultimate Dancer Career

03 Jul 2022

From ballet and hip hop, to modern and tap, the world is literally at your feet when it comes to careers in dance. But, it’s not just about busting some moves, cutting some shapes or delicately performing an arabesque.

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